Security Forces Arrested Terrorist Groups Gathering in U Nout Village to Commit Terrorist Attacks in...
A Terrorist Died in Explosion during Attempt to Detonate a Homemade Mine at the Frontage of Township...
Power Pylons Destroyed in Bombing Attacks of Terrorists
PDF Terrorists Attack Township Education Office and Primary School, Using IEDs
Offenders Convicted by Military Tribunals and Given Respective Sentences for Supporting and Contacti...
Terrorists Disrupting the Peaceful Learning of Schoolchildren Commit Bomb and Arson Attacks on Schoo...
So-called PDF Terrorists Blow up and Destroy the Vehicle in a Monastery of Sokan Village in Myaing T...
Terrorists Attack District Education Office in Shwe Bo Township and Security Forces on Duty in Thant...
A Combined Group of KNPP Members and So-Called PDF Terrorists Blow up a RC Bridge on Shadaw-Loikaw R...
So-Called PDF Terrorists Made Remote Mines Attacks on Two Ambulances Carrying Medications to be Tran...