So-called PDF Terrorist Groups Committed Further Arson Attack on Residential Houses and a Building of Hospital Rest Area in No (1) Ward of Thantlang Township

The terrorists from NUG, CRPH and PDF terrorist groups are committing armed attacks, detonating bombs on roads and bridges and conducting arson attacks on residential houses in some areas for the purpose of destroying peace and tranquility of the State. Their terrorist acts are as follows:

· PDF Terrorists committed an arson attack on ten residential houses and a building of hospital rest area in No (1) ward of Thantlang township on 1 January and those buildings were destroyed by the fire. The attacks have cost a total of 22.5 million kyat in damage.

· As PDF terrorists set fire to Thantlang township for 11 times from 29 October 2021 to 1 January 2022, some 126 residential houses, a building of hospital rest area and seven shops, costing       approximately a total of 393.8 million kyat in damage.

Once terrorists had burned Thantlang township for 11 times, they portrayed as if the security forces torched the houses in Thantlang township who came there to put out the fire, aiming at the public to have misunderstanding over the security forces. Furthermore, they fabricated fake evidences and created false news about the incident in connection with foreign media, posting them on social media with the use of the photos of burnt houses and positions taken by drones.

Terrorist groups are frequently conducting acts of violence in some remote areas of Chin state and Sagaing region and making propaganda messages of unstability in the country via social network pages.   Security forces continue further security measures to ensure the community peace and tranquility, and also to restore law and order in the area.

  • PDF Terrorists committed an arson attack on ten residential houses and a building of hospital rest area in No (1) ward of Thantlang township and those buildings were destroyed by the fire.
  • As PDF terrorists set fire to Thantlang township for 11 times from 29 October 2021 to 1 January 2022, some 126 residential houses, a building of hospital rest area and seven shops, costing approximately a total of 393.8 million kyat in damage.
  • Once terrorists had burned Thantlang township for 11 times, they portrayed as if the security forces torched the houses in Thantlang township who came there to put out the fire, aiming at the public to have misunderstanding over the security forces. Furthermore, they fabricated fake evidences and created false news about the incident in connection with foreign media, posting them on social media with the use of the photos of burnt houses and positions taken by drones.