Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Maha Thray Sithu Min Aung Hlaing Attended the Passing-out Parade of the 22nd Intake of Defence Services Medical Academy

   The Chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC) Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Maha Thray Sithu Min Aung Hlaing delivered an address at the passing-out parade of the 22nd intake of Defence Services Medical Academy (DSMA) which was held at the parade ground of DSMA in Yangon on 20 December.

The Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Maha Thray Sithu Min Aung Hlaing accepted the salute of the cadet battalions and inspected the banner squad and the graduate companies. Afterwards, the cadet companies saluted the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services with slow-march and quick-march past. The Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services presented the awards to the outstanding cadets.

Regarding the training of good military medical officers, Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Maha Thray Sithu Min Aung Hlaing delivered the speech at passing-out parade as follows:

· The Defence Services Medical Academy (DSMA) has been continuously producing military officers and now there are altogether about 5,000, in accordance with the aim of “Bring up physically and intellectually able medical science officers required by that Tatmadaw (Army, Navy and Air)”.

· At your assigned regions and medical corps, you all are about to hand over the duties of preventing the pandemic, sharing knowledge how to prevent disease and giving treatment to not only the Tatmadaw men and their families but also the civilians. Moreover, you all need to serve the nation and the Tatmadaw applying medical knowledge learned theoretically and practically at the DSMA.

Regarding the ethnics of trooper and medical ethnics,

· While giving you training to have the spirits of a good soldier, you all are trained to strictly abide the prescribed (60) ethics of a trooper as if the code of conduct in the Tatmadaw.

· Moreover, you all are going to vow the (9) oaths at your graduation ceremony as doctors and you need to abide them as basic ethics and to have benevolence, kindness, sympathy and empathy for your patients.

Regarding the good tradition of the personnel of medical corps,

· For everyone to be healthy, it is essential to give health education services like to practice preventive measures for each disease respectively, to do physical exercises in line with the motto, "Exercise is Medicine", and to lead a “Healthy Life style”.

· Furthermore, it is really necessary to learn peculiar diseases as well as advanced medical science subjects continuously and at the same time, it is necessary to do researches concerning the development in medical science.

· One’s expected life span in Myanmar is 67.78 years, working out by the United Nations Population Department of the World Health Organization. In the year 2020, the expected life span in Myanmar would be taking the position of 150 on the world’s list, the 6th position among the neighbouring countries and the 10th position among the ASEAN countries which is the least. While rating the life span basically, it is mainly based on the situations of pregnant women and children, education systems, socio-economy, lifestyle and child mortality rate.

· To raise the life span of our country, it is necessary to upgrade the level of living standards, literacy and economy.

Regarding the health care services for people,

· The main duty of our Tatmadaw is to defend, to practice and to give public welfare services to the national groups where you are assigned. Moreover, apart from giving health care services to the ethnic groups, you must help them to develop their socio-economy.

· In order to give health care services widely to the national races all over the country, the Tatmadaw Medical Corps are now fulfilling the needs of the national health sector by deploying military mobile medical teams.

Regarding the performances of medical officers in the COVID-19 prevention and control activities,

· While there are lots of difficulties in controlling and giving treatment for COVID-19, what makes the situation worse was that some doctors and health workers abandoned their assigned hospitals and clinics, ignoring medical ethics and as a result of this disgraceful act, it led to heaps of COVID-19 victims and great loss of lives. During these days, there were great losses in health which mainly affect ordinary laymen.

· The health workers from the Ministry of Health, Military Medical Corps, voluntary organizations and dutiful citizens actively cooperated and as a result, the outbreak of the third wave of COVID-19 was able to be controlled.

· In controlling COVID-19 disease, since vaccinating is the most important, we have already managed to get 42 million vaccines and aimed that 50 percent of the population would have been vaccinated by the end of this month.

In order to keep abreast with the other international medical institutes, the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services stressed the following points:

· At present, the DSMA is already on the recognized list of the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) and medical subjects are taught in line with the international syllabus.

· Since medical science is a difficult subject, only when there are adequate teaching-learning aids, learners’ interest and creative thinking then they can help to produce efficient military doctors.

· Besides, you all must observe the competency of International Medical Corps, train yourselves to have the strong spirit to learn more about medical science in order to keep abreast with other countries. You all need to apply your medical knowledge in the practical field and become “an efficient doctor and a good soldier” for the nation and the Tatmadaw.

Regarding the leadership and good morality,

· You all are about to serve as junior military medical officers taking duties in the company. While administering your subordinates, you must make by using the qualities of a good leader such as having good morality, behaving well and talking righteous words, giving just commands, being good-natured, being obedient and well-disciplined, being dutiful and responsible, and making righteous decision.

· In trying to have a successful and prosperous life, the main key is to train yourself to have the spirits of contentment, honesty and hard working. It is necessary not to forget the fact that contentment can make a person not to be too greedy, and honesty can make a person always valuable.

· Hence, keeping senses and awareness in mind and making use of your good habits, the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services exhorted to graduated cadets that you all need to be loyal to the nation and Tatmadaw and to serve dutifully for the benefits of the battalion, Tatmadaw, region and nation where you are assigned. 

After the parade ceremony, the Chairman of the SAC Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services met with cadets who won outstanding awards, and spoke words of honour.

  • For everyone to be healthy, it is essential to give health education services like to practice preventive measures for each disease respectively, to do physical exercises in line with the motto, "Exercise is Medicine", and to lead a “Healthy Life style”.
  • It is really necessary to learn peculiar diseases as well as advanced medical science subjects continuously and at the same time, it is necessary to do researches concerning the development in medical science.
  • In order to give health care services widely to the national races all over the country, the Tatmadaw Medical Corps are now fulfilling the needs of the national health sector by deploying military mobile medical teams.
  • As some doctors and health workers abandoned their assigned hospitals and clinics, ignoring medical ethics and as a result of this disgraceful act, it led to heaps of patients and great loss of lives.
  • At present, the DSMA is already on the recognized list of the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) and medical subjects are taught in line with the international syllabus.