The National Defence and Security Council of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar held a meeting 1/2025 at the meeting hall of the State Administration Council (SAC) Chairman’s Office in Nay Pyi Taw on 31 January. It was attended by Pro Tem President (Duty) Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, Speaker of Pyithu Hluttaw U T Khun Myat, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Union Minister for Defence General Maung Maung Aye, Union Minister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen Yar Pyae, Union Minister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, specially invited SAC Secretary Lt-Gen Aung Lin Dwe and Joint-Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo.
The Pro Tem President (Duty) Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services explained the work process of State responsibilities served by the SAC during the six-month extended period.
Defence and Security Conditions of the State
The Senior General said that the Five-Point Roadmap and nine objectives were adopted on 4 February 2023 to implement them aligned with the conditions of the State. Concerning the first point of the Roadmap “Emphasis will be placed on ensuring peace and stability and the full rule of law across the whole Union, and on successfully conducting a free and fair multiparty democratic general election”, some Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs) and PDF terrorists undermine peace and stability of the regions with terror attacks on towns and villages and destroying and robbing life and property of the people. It can be seen that some EAOs taking such situations as privileges are making attempts to expand their areas. During the six months, 383 innocent people and State service personnel died in the various terror attacks and 516 education and health infrastructures including public buildings were destroyed. During the period, KIA terrorists of insurgents in Kachin State joining hands with PDF terrorists attacked the China-Myanmar border region, Bhamo region, upper Sagaing Region and Indaw region whereas KNU insurgent group together with PDF terrorists attacked the Kataiti region, Mepali region, Anankwin region and Kawkareik region in Kayin State. Meanwhile, AA terrorists of insurgents in Rakhine State together with PDF terrorists attacked the Magway Region-Rakhine State border, Bago Region-Rakhine State border, and Ayeyawady Region-Rakhine State border. Moreover, CNF insurgents in Chin State together with PDF terrorists committed attacks on Mindat, Kanpetlet and Falam.
The acts of terrorism were initiated as a result of former Hluttaw representatives who committed electoral fraud exploiting public sentiment and inciting violence following the annulment of the 2020 general election due to electoral irregularities. It was observed that EAOs took advantage of the country’s political crisis to carry out attacks under the pretext of ethnic and political reasons. Some of these groups engaged in extremist rhetoric and mobilized support in their respective territories. Moreover, they collaborated with subversive media at home and abroad to spread misinformation and propaganda. Coordinated efforts were made to incite widespread acts of violence across the country at strategic moments. Moreover, it was stated that threats, coercion, and pressure were exerted on conscientious citizens and civil servants. As a result, acts of violence have increased nationwide, leading to the loss of lives, homes, possessions, and extensive damage to a large number of public infrastructures. Who has truly benefited from these incidents? The answer is no one. Only the country has suffered losses. Therefore, countries and individuals advocating for democracy should reflect on these consequences. As an example, the university buildings in Loikaw were destroyed in attacks by KNPP group and PDF terrorists on Loikaw last year. So, the university was closed. A total of 44 buildings were damaged at Loikaw University. It needs to spend some K9 billion on repairing these buildings. Such a cost can be used in building many primary schools. It can be spent on many projects of agriculture, livestock and regional development tasks. Such an amount referred to damage to a single university. Damage to remaining universities, schools, markets and public property will amount to many billion kyats. Due to naughty acts based on political affairs, residents faced losses, so security forces counterattacked those terrorists with sacrifices.
Only the residents and local terrorists in a region can either maintain stability and development or disrupt peace and cause delays in progress. The unlawful and violent acts committed by these armed terrorist groups are widely condemned by people across the entire nation. In response, the Tatmadaw is working together with peace-seeking locals to restore stability in the region and to stop these terror acts.
The State Administration Council is implementing a public security system to ensure that each citizen, in collaboration with relevant security personnel, can implement security awareness. Public security and counter-terrorism groups have already been established at the ward/ village level. Therefore, for the safety of the public and regional stability, citizens are encouraged to report any relevant information.
As the State Administration Council is implementing two political visions – to strengthen the genuine, disciplined multiparty democratic system and to build a Union based on democracy and federalism, it is necessary to hold an election without fail. Hence, preparations are being made with utmost efforts to hold the election. The general election must be able to show off the genuine aspirations of the people. According to the election laws and regulations, there is no prescribed minimum number of votes required for an election to be valid. Only the people have to protect the multiparty democratic system the people aspire to. The election must be systematic, free and fair fully and it must be prestigious. It is necessary to manage eligible voters must not be left as much as possible. To be able to do so, as it is essential for restoring peace and stability in relevant regions, Tatmadaw and security forces are accelerating security measures. As such, all people have to participate in the peace and tranquillity of the regions and the smooth process of democratization to walk on the path of democracy they all aspire to.
Increased Production of Agriculture and Livestock Products
Myanmar focuses on agriculture and livestock farms. Some 70 per cent of the population is residing in rural areas. Of them, 45.3 per cent of the people are engaged in agriculture, fishery and forestry businesses. More than 50 per cent of the population has completed education to some extent. So, priority was given to the systematic undertaking of the agriculture and livestock sectors. According to the climatic conditions, geographical conditions and location, Myanmar can successfully operate agriculture and livestock farms. However, efforts must be made to meet the targeted production of agriculture and livestock tasks to ease the high prices of commodities and double and triple the productivity.
Emphasis was placed on raising the production of agriculture and livestock farms at home and reducing import commodities. Only when the country raises production will its production and services increase. If so, the country can reduce import volume as well as decline spending on foreign exchange. As a result, the domestic currency will be strong, resulting in the stability of commodity prices. Hence, supervision is focusing on doubling the production of agriculture and livestock sectors.
To increase agricultural produce, manufacturing must be operated by applying modern technologies with the use of agricultural products. Hence, the Senior General said that he has been touring all parts of the nation to accelerate the Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) since 2022. Operating MSME needs raw materials. Hence, a policy has been adopted for domestic raw materials. And then, efforts are being made to produce value-added products, export them, collect inputs, provide financial assistance and recruit human resources. Only when people apply modern technologies in operating agricultural and livestock farming tasks rather than conventional methods will they have high-yield production.
Myanmar has planted more than 14.8 million acres of monsoon paddy, over 2.09 million acres of summer paddy, more than 2.1 million acres of maize, over 3.2 million acres of oil crops and more than three million acres of pulses and beans in 2024-25 cultivation season. It is necessary to meet the targeted cultivation for paddy and other crops. In livestock breeding, priority must be made to have a successful operation of livestock breeding tasks with the use of feeds, water and domestic raw materials systematically. As the country has many sound foundations for the production of agriculture and livestock sectors, all the people have to participate in its projects successfully. In particular, arrangements are been made to reduce the import of cooking oil in 2026 as it costs over US$500 million per year. Efforts are being made to meet the targeted production of sesame and expand the cultivation of sunflower to meet the domestic oil demand.
The State Administration Council has formed the Agriculture and Livestock Development Commission, the Industrial Development Commission and the Electric and Energy Development Commission to leverage up agriculture and livestock sector, industrial sector and electric and energy sector which are main drives for development of the State. These commissions have to take responsibility for the development of the primary sectors to improve the country and strive to effectively implement these sectors.
Education Sector
Education is essential for the personal development of each individual, and for a nation, it is only when there is a large number of well-educated people with knowledge and skills that various sectors will be able to develop further. According to the nature of education, it is only after acquiring basic education up to the middle school level that one can continue to learn the skills necessary for personal advancement.
All children of school age should have the opportunity to attend school, as education is a critical matter. Responsible authorities must ensure that all students receive education up to the highest level, facilitate improvements in transitions between grade levels, and focus on providing both vocational training and higher education. It is important to prioritize these efforts. Children who are of school age but not attending school not only suffer in their lives but also hinder the development of their communities and the country. Therefore, for the future of the nation, all children must remain in school and receive an education. Local administrative organizations, teachers, parents, and town elders must work together to encourage, unite, and support the implementation of this goal. It is important to note that over 220,000 applications have already been submitted for the upcoming KG+12 university entrance exams in March. Relevant authorities are ensuring that students can take their exams calmly and systematically.
Health Sector
Regarding the health sector, every citizen must be healthy, as only with good health can they engage in activities such as education, social affairs, and economic work. Therefore, the policy of ‘where there is a hospital, there should be a doctor’ has been established, and efforts are being made to upgrade hospitals and ensure the assignments of medical doctors in all hospitals.
Natural Disaster
Due to the heavy rainfall associated with Typhoon Yagi in Myanmar during September 2024, flooding occurred in 106 townships across eight states and regions. It has been observed that the severity of this flooding is unprecedented in the affected areas, marking the worst situation in the past 50 years. In response to the damage and casualties caused by this natural disaster, the Senior General recounted that he inspected the disaster-affected areas to initiate rehabilitation as quickly as possible. He met with the people affected by natural disasters and offered words of encouragement, provided food supplies, and discussed the causes of the disaster as well as the necessary reconstruction efforts with relevant ministry officials and experts. Moreover, the Senior General took steps to ensure that relief and rehabilitation efforts were carried out effectively and as quickly as possible.
In terms of supplies provided, a total of 447.1 million was allocated for over 440 fatalities caused by the recent natural disaster. Moreover, more than K21.2 billion was provided for damage to residential property, while over K38.9 billion was allocated for other forms of support. Furthermore, efforts are underway to compile a list of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and to arrange necessary supplies for them. According to the Disaster Management Law, losses suffered by civilians due to acts of terrorism and armed conflicts are also classified under disaster-related damages. Therefore, the State will continue to provide support to IDPs. Just as the government has made a concerted effort to take action, donors from across the country, as well as domestic and international organizations, have contributed as much as they could. As a result, rehabilitation and relief efforts have been carried out effectively and swiftly. The Senior General said he would like to express appreciation for the public’s participation and generosity. As Myanmar citizens, the way they support one another during times of natural disasters and hardships demonstrates the spirit of unity and patriotism among all the people. This is something we take great pride in for the nation.
Peacemaking Processes
From the time the State Administration Council took on the responsibilities of the State, it has been working towards ending armed conflicts within the country and achieving durable peace under the 2008 Constitution and the agreements outlined in the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). In this regard, the year 2022 was designated as the “Year of Peace”, and ethnic armed group leaders were invited for open and unrestricted discussions without any preconditions. As the National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee, from its establishment until now, a total of 114 peace negotiations have been conducted – seven with NCA signatory groups and six non-signatory groups. Moreover, 21 discussions have been held with political parties and 10 meetings with other organizations advocating for peace. Through these negotiations, agreements have been reached to facilitate discussions on certain issues in upcoming Hluttaw sessions. Further negotiations will continue to achieve more agreements.
On 26 September 2024, due to the significant loss of the nation’s human resources, infrastructures, and the lives and property of the people, an invitation was extended to resolve the political issue through political means. It was emphasized that only by ending armed conflicts in various regions could a free and fair election be held. Furthermore, it was affirmed that efforts to implement the planned processes for achieving peace by ceasing armed conflicts would continue without interruption. Since political solutions can only be achieved through dialogue at the negotiating table, it was reiterated that peace negotiations are always welcomed and encouraged.
Strengthening Multiparty Democratic System and Building a Union based on Democracy and Federalism
Tatmadaw has paved the way for the nation to walk on a multiparty democratic path desired by the people. Likewise, it has collaborated with elected governments to strengthen the multiparty democratic system. As the State Administration Council is following the multiparty democratic system that the people aspire to, it is necessary to hold an election without fail. To facilitate the participation of political parties in the election, laws and regulations regarding political party registration have been issued and amended. According to the enacted laws, 50 parties have applied for re-registration, while 18 parties have applied for new party registration, making a total of 68 political parties. According to Section 25 of the Political Parties Registration Law, a total of 40 political parties that did not apply for re-registration under the law have been automatically dissolved as political parties. The Union Election Commission has approved the registration of 55 out of 68 political parties that applied for re-registration or new registration and has rejected the registration of two parties by the law. As a result, there are currently 53 officially registered political parties. He accepts that to discuss regional and ethnic affairs lawfully, ethnic representatives need to participate more actively in the political platform, which is why these actions are being taken.
The Union Election Commission has held 10 meetings with political parties for discussions. During these meetings, various issues were addressed, including electoral fraud and irregularities that occurred in the 2020 multiparty democratic general elections, as well as the issue of invalid votes that resulted from past electoral practices. Moreover, discussions covered the implementation of a mixed electoral system, combining the First Past The Post (FPTP) system with a Closed List Proportional Representation (PR) system, which is considered more suitable and straightforward for Myanmar. Other topics included election-related legal frameworks, regulations concerning political parties, party membership strength, the establishment of party offices, preparations for holding elections, and the participation of both domestic and international election monitoring organizations. Agreements were reached on these matters, and political parties were urged to firmly and genuinely implement the agreements in practice.
In the 2020 general election, individuals from the NLD party involved in electoral fraud, inflated voter lists and engaged in electoral fraud not only within a single constituency but also across the entire country, ensuring an illegitimate victory. It has been observed that the individuals responsible for electoral fraud in all townships during the 2020 election were members of the NLD party’s Central Executive Committee (CEC). Since those CEC members were representatives of the NLD party, it can be assumed that the electoral fraud was committed following the party’s directives.
Preparations to Hold a Multiparty Democratic General Election
The Senior General said that he has been working on organizing the general election successfully from all fronts, and during his foreign trips, he has also clarified the situation regarding the efforts to ensure the successful conduct of the election during meetings with heads of state and officials from other countries. Furthermore, when meeting with ambassadors and officials from international organizations visiting Myanmar, the Senior General recounted that he had also explained the measures being taken to organize the election. As a result of these clear explanations, Myanmar has received full support and endorsement from the international community for the election that the government is leading.
All citizens with the right to vote have been able to receive Citizenship Scrutiny Cards (CSCs) through the implementation of the Pankhinn Projects 1, 2, and 3, totalling 5,980,664 individuals. Furthermore, efforts are ongoing to ensure that those remaining who have not yet received their CSCs will receive them before the election period concludes.
Moreover, the Union Election Commission is carrying out demonstrations and practical tests related to the Myanmar Electronic Voting Machine to ensure that voters can cast their votes clearly and easily, that the election results are accurate, that there is no invalid voting, that voter fraud is prevented, and that transparency is maintained.
Census Collection
Accurate basic voter lists are essential for holding a general election. The 2024 population and household census was conducted from 1 to 15 October, and the duration was extended due to certain security issues and transport difficulties. Collecting census data is a beneficial operation for the country, and the data collected can also be used to implement supportive projects.
The provisional results of the 2024 population and housing census show a total population of 51,316,756 (over 51.3 million) on census night, 30 September 2024. The figures include 32,191,407 (32.19 million) from the census and 19,125,349 (19.1 million) from estimated data. Among them, 15,105,215 males (over 15 million) and 17,086,192 females (over 17 million) are recorded, with a gender ratio of 46.9 per cent males and 53.1 per cent females. The data that has been collected will be used as valid voter lists per electoral procedures.
The digits show a slight decline over the past decade. Population changes are due to birth rates, death rates, and migration. It can be assumed that the population is very low when compared to the width of the country and the population numbers. A proper population and yearly increase in population is needed to develop the country. Therefore, it needs to allocate support for education and health sectors to increase the birth rate and reduce the death rate in the country. Regarding immigration, measures should be carried out to ensure the State’s economy and stability. The population policy suitable for the country will be drafted to achieve a possible population in the country.
Cementing Multiparty Democratic General Election
The Union Election Commission arranges to hold the multiparty general election under the Constitution (2008) and Election Law as per the electoral procedures depending on the regional security. The election should have a correct voter list and should be a free, just and transparent election. The international observers should be invited to the event. Efforts also should be made to adopt a PR system for the participation of the people in Hluttaw representing ethnic nationals and different levels of people.
Casting a vote in an election is the free expression of a citizen’s desire. Creating a situation in which all eligible voters can cast their votes is the duty of the government. Casting a vote or not is a stance of individuals. Arrangements should be also made to curb the threats, force, encouragement and bullying of insurgents during the vote casting. Therefore, the SAC makes efforts to hold a prestigious and correct multiparty general election from the point of view of law and public opinion, to prevent all citizens from unlawful action and to be a dignified and correct election. The general election should reflect the opinions of the majority of the people. There should be peace and stability in respective regions to achieve a multiparty democracy system as quickly as possible. Therefore, the current public security system should be accelerated with public participation.
According to the events in Myanmar and world countries, there is one thing when a nation makes a transition from one system to another, it adopts a suitable system depending on its geography, national characteristics, culture and circumstances. If it follows the international criteria or pressure of powerful countries, the stability can become worse. For example, some countries adopt inappropriate systems and hold the general election quickly to pressure. Therefore, they have no political stability to date and are struggling in various crises. Only the citizens know most about the internal affairs of their nation. In our country, the political changes broke out due to voting fraud in the 2020 election. So, the SAC is making concerted efforts step by step to lead the country to a democratic pathway. Only the Myanmar citizens decide the political affairs of Myanmar. The ongoing reform and political situation will be implemented successfully depending on the internal affairs of the country rather than the international pressures, and others.
The SAC also tries to straighten the democracy pathway that is deteriorated by the 2020 election. In doing so, the persons and certain organizations, that did not try to solve with political means, chose armed engagements. Therefore, the country faces terrorist attacks. The EAOs also tried to grab regional authority rather than leading to a multiparty democracy pathway. Meanwhile, the government stabilizes the security sector of the country and promotes the State economy and social sectors, receiving certain achievements. However, there are still challenges to the successful holding of the general election, especially, it needs peace and stability to hold a free, fair and just general election. Hence, the State Administration Council submitted an extension of the six-month term for serving State responsibilities under the Constitution to implement the above-mentioned processes.
Concerning the submission of the Senior General, members of the National Defence and Security Council held discussions. Pyithu Hluttaw Speaker U T Khun Myat firstly said that the Union Election Commission is conducting sector-wise arrangements aiming to hold a free and fair multiparty democratic general election, and also working with ministries concerned to have correct and accurate voter lists. Compiling the voters list is conducted in detail in each poll station and systematic arrangements must be made for voters to cast votes. To do so, it is necessary to take adequate time. So, he supported the extension of six months of declaration of a State of Emergency nationwide from 1 February 2025.
Following this, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win also discussed that stability plays a key role in the successful holding of a multiparty general election which is the SAC’s ultimate goal. The situations in Kachin, Kayin, Rakhine and Chin states were clarified within the last six months. Therefore, state stability and security affairs will be conducted continuously. As it is necessary to ensure stability not only in border areas but also in towns, it is important to continue to implement the public security system. Hence, he supported an extension of a six-month term of the State of Emergency to do these measures as it will take time to continue to restore stability and security.
In his discussions, Union Minister for Defence General Maung Maung Aye said the current situation is a time to conduct systematic measures for a free and fair multiparty general election. There should be internal security and stability to hold the multiparty general election. To be able to conduct measures to hold the election, it is necessary to extend the term of the State of Emergency to ensure the security, peace and stability of the State. Hence, he supports the extension of a six-month term of the State of Emergency.
Next, Union Minister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen Yar Pyae explained that from 1 August 2024 to 27 January 2025, the violence broke out in regions and states resulting in deaths and injuries of government staff, administrative officials, monks and students, and arrested arms and ammunition. So, he supported the extension of the term of State of emergency across the nation by the Constitution as the security, stability and law enforcement across the nation are not in normal condition.
Then, Union Minister for Foreign Affairs U Than Swe reported on the diplomatic ties with international countries, measures to strengthen Tatmadaws and civilian communications, enhancement of international communications, Tatmadaws and civilian cooperation in the term of SAC. He then clarified the findings on international recognitions to adopt the Myanmar-led Myanmar Way for Myanmar Affairs, and the positive support of partner countries to hold multiparty democratic general elections freely. So, he supported the proposal for an extension of a six-month term of the State of Emergency as the time is needed for promotion of cooperation in international relations and holding a free and fair multiparty democracy general election.
After that, Union Minister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung said that the SAC achieved successes in implementing a five-point roadmap, peace processes and enumeration of population and household census. To maintain these solid foundations and to hold a free and fair multiparty general election successfully, the last point of the five-point roadmap, he supported an extension of a six-month term of the State of Emergency in the entire country.
Later, Pro Tem President (Duty) Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing said all members of the National Defence and Security Council unanimously recommended and approved an extension of a six-month term of the State of Emergency in the entire country, due to ongoing tasks for the country and the political situation. Therefore, the Senior General declared “State of Emergency in the entire nation is extended for another six months as of 1 February 2025” in accordance with the Constitution.
Source: GNLM (1.2.2025)
- Some EAOs and PDF terrorists undermine peace and stability of the regions with terror attacks on towns and villages and destroying and robbing life and property of the people. It can be seen that some EAOs taking such situations as privileges are making attempts to expand their areas.
- The university buildings in Loikaw were destroyed in attacks by KNPP group and PDF terrorists on Loikaw. So, the university was closed. A total of 44 buildings were damaged at Loikaw University. It needs to spend some K9 billion on repairing these buildings. Such a cost can be used in building many primary schools.
- The people across the entire nation widely condemn the unlawful and violent acts committed by these armed terrorist groups. In response, the Tatmadaw is working together with peace-seeking locals to restore stability in the region and to stop these terror acts.
- As the State Administration Council is implementing two political visions – to strengthen the genuine, disciplined multiparty democratic system and to build a Union based on democracy and federalism, it is necessary to hold an election without fail.
- Myanmar has planted more than 14.8 million acres of monsoon paddy, over 2.09 million acres of summer paddy, more than 2.1 million acres of maize, over 3.2 million acres of oil crops and more than three million acres of pulses and beans in 2024-25 cultivation season.
- Local administrative organizations, teachers, parents, and town elders must work together to encourage, unite, and support the implementation of ensuring that all children must remain in school and receive an education for the future of the nation.
- A total of 447.1 million was allocated for over 440 fatalities caused by the recent natural disaster whereas K21.2 billion for damage to residential property and over K38.9 billion for other forms of support.
- Losses suffered by civilians due to acts of terrorism and armed conflicts are also classified under disaster-related damages. Therefore, the State will continue to provide support to IDPs.
- The National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee held a total of 114 peace negotiations– seven with NCA signatory groups and six non-signatory groups. Moreover, 21 discussions have been held with political parties and 10 meetings with other organizations advocating for peace.
- Since political solutions can only be achieved through dialogue at the negotiating table, peace negotiations are always welcomed.
- During the meetings between the UEC and political parties, discussions were exchanged on election-related legal frameworks, regulations concerning political parties, party membership strength, the establishment of party offices, preparations for holding elections, and the participation of both domestic and international election monitoring organizations. During which, agreements were reached on these matters.
- All citizens with the right to vote have been able to receive Citizenship Scrutiny Cards (CSCs) through the implementation of the Pankhinn Projects 1, 2, and 3, totalling 5,980,664 individuals. Furthermore, efforts are ongoing to ensure that those remaining who have not yet received their CSCs will receive them before the election period concludes.
- According to the provisional results of the census collection, 15,105,215 males (over 15 million) and 17,086,192 females (over 17 million) are recorded, with a gender ratio of 46.9 per cent males and 53.1 per cent females. The data that has been collected will be used as valid voter lists per electoral procedures.
- It can be assumed that the population collected from census is very low when compared to the width of the country and the population numbers. The population policy suitable for the country will be drafted to achieve a possible population in the country.
- The UEC arranges to hold the multiparty general election under the Constitution (2008) and Election Law as per the electoral procedures depending on the regional security.
- The election should have a correct voter list and should be a free, just and transparent election. The international observers should be invited to the event.
- Efforts also should be made to adopt a PR system for the participation of the people in Hluttaw representing ethnic nationals and different levels of people after holding the election.
- Casting a vote in an election is the free expression of a citizen’s desire. Creating a situation in which all eligible voters can cast their votes is the duty of the government. Casting a vote or not is a stance of individuals.
- The general election should reflect the opinions of the majority of the people. There should be peace and stability in respective regions to achieve a multiparty democracy system as quickly as possible. Therefore, the current public security system should be accelerated with public participation.
- Only the Myanmar citizens decide the political affairs of Myanmar. The ongoing reform and political situation will be implemented successfully depending on the internal affairs of the country rather than the international pressures, and others.
- As all members of the National Defence and Security Council unanimously recommended and approved an extension of a six-month term, “State of Emergency in the entire nation is extended for another six months as of 1 February 2025” in accordance with the Constitution was declared.