The Tatmadaw River-going Mobile Hospital Vessels (Shwe Puzun) as well as (Sagu) and the Tamadaw Sea-going Mobile Hospital Vessel (Thanlwin) carrying the Tatmadaw Mobile medical teams which comprise specialists, medical officers and nurses left Yangon on 14 January to provide healthcare services to local people living in villages and townships along the Ayeyawady River, Cocogyun Township of Yangon Region, in towns and villages of Taninthayi Region and in the nearby villages of Hainggyikyun Township in Ayeyawady Region.
The Tatmadaw River-going Mobile Hospital Vessels (Shwe Puzun) as well as (Sagu) provided the following healthcare services to locals:
- From 15 to 18 January, the mobile medical teams provided healthcare service to 2,067 local residents living in urban wards and nearby villages of Maubin Township, Ayeyawady Region.
- On 19 January, the mobile medical teams provided healthcare service to 417 local residents living in nearby villages and Kyaiklat Township, Ayeyawady Region.
The Tamadaw Sea-going Mobile Hospital Vessel (Thanlwin) provided the following healthcare services to locals:
- From 16 to 18 January, the mobile medical teams provided healthcare service to 1,202 local residents living in Mali Island and nearby villages of Pulaw Township, Taninthayi Region.
The mobile medical teams onboard provided healthcare services to 3,686 local residents: general health care for 941 patients, surgical treatment for 206 patients, including surgeries, obstetric and gynaecologic care for 165 patients, paediatric treatment for 282 patients, orthopedic treatment for 610 patients, ENT care for 348 patients, dental care for 480 patients, and eye care for 654 patients. They also conducted general surgery for 41 patients and eye surgery for 16 patients. Again, they also carried out X-ray scans for 74 patients, Television X-ray scan for 62 patients, laboratory tests for 354 patients, ultrasound scan for 162 patients and ECG scans for 162 patients.
The patients who need to hospitalize were transported to the nearest hospitals for medial treatment. The pregnant woman living in Kundai Kalay village of Maubin Township was successfully delivered of a baby by Caesarean on 15 January and another pregnant woman living in Alangyi village of Maubin Township was also successfully delivered of a baby by Caesarean on 18 January on the Tatmadaw River-going Hospital Vessel. The Commander-in-Chief (Navy) provided cash assistance and gifts for those new-born babies, it is reported.
Source: GNLM (20-1-2025)
- The Tatmadaw River-going Mobile Hospital Vessels (Shwe Puzun) as well as (Sagu) and Tamadaw Sea-going Mobile Hospital Vessel (Thanlwin) are providing healthcare services to local people living in villages and townships along the Ayeyawady River and along the coastal regions in Taninthayi Region.
- From 15-19 January, the mobile medical teams provided healthcare services to 3,686 local residents, including surgeries, obstetrics, gynaecology, paediatrics, orthopedics, ophthalmology, ENT, dental care, and general health.