Ceremony to Present Honorary Titles and Offer Religious Titles Held in commemoration of 77th Anniversary of Independence Day

As a gesture of hailing 77th Anniversary of Independence Day which falls on 4 January 2025, the Chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC) has conferred honorary titles and medals on recipients by the Notification No 2/2025 of the SAC of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar as follows:

  • Among the Order of the Union of Burma (Pyidaungsu Sithu Thingaha titles), Sithu title on four recipients;
  • Among Tatmadaw gallantry medals, Thura title on one recipient;
  • Among honorary titles for Excellent Performance, Zeya Kyaw Htin title on 17 recipients, Wunna Kyaw Htin title on 14, Alinka Kyaw Swa title on one, and Theikpa Kyaw Swa title on two;
  • Among Tatmadaw gallantry medals, Honorary gallantry medal on nine;
  • Among Myanmar Police Force gallantry medals, Ye Bala medal on one;
  • Ye Thurein medal on 10;
  • Intetnational Military Cooperation Medal of Thiri Thihakyaw medal on one;
  • Among medals for Excellent Performance, medal for excellence in management (first class) on 26, medal for excellence in management (second class) on 47, medal for excellence in management (third class) on 53, medal for excellence in social (first class) on 13, medal for excellence in social (second class) on five, medal for excellence in social (third class) on 137;
  • Among medals for Excellent Performance in Economic Sector, medal for excellence in agricultural economics (third class) on 13, medal for excellence in industrial economics (third class) on eight, medal for excellence in service economics (second class) on one, and medal for excellence in service economics (third class) on 77; and
  • Among medals for Excellent Performance in Education Sector, medal for excellence in arts (first class) on three, medal for excellence in arts (third class) on one, medal for excellence in medicine (first class) on 13, medal for excellence in medicine (second class) on 24, medal for excellence in medicine (third class) on eight, medal for excellence in technology (first class) on one, medal for excellence in technology (second class) on five, medal for excellence in technology (third class) on 34, medal for excellence in fine arts (first class) on two, medal for excellence in fine arts (second class) on four, and medal for excellence in fine arts (third class) on two.

By the Notification No 1/2025 of the SAC of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, the SAC Chairman offered religious titles to Buddhist monks and laypersons as follows:

  • Abhidhaja Maha Rattha Guru title to nine local prominent venerable members of the Sangha;
  • Agga Maha Pandita title to 19 local members of the Sangha and one foreign recipient Sayadaw;
  • Agga Maha Gandhavasaka Pandita title to 25 local members of the Sangha and two local nuns;
  • Maha Gandhavasaka Pandita title to 38 local recipient Sayadaws and seven nuns;
  • Gandhavasaka Pandita title to 52 local recipient Sayadaws and 15 nuns;
  • Dhamma Kahtika Bahujana Hitadhara title to three local recipient Sayadaws;
  • Abhidhaja Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotika title to six local recipient Sayadaws and one foreign recipient Sayadaw;
  • Agga Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja title to 53 local recipient Sayadaws and one foreign recipient Sayadaw;
  • Maha Saddhamma Jotikadhaja title to 78 local recipient Sayadaws and six nuns, four foreign recipient Sayadaws and one nun, and six local laypersons and three foreign recipient laypersons;
  • Saddhamma Jotikadhaja title to 79 local recipient Sayadaws and five nuns, four foreign recipient Sayadaws, and six local laypersons and one foreign recipient layperson;
  • Agga Maha Kammathanacariya title to 10 local recipient Sayadaws;
  • Maha Kammathanacariya title to 11 local recipient Sayadaws;
  • Kammathanacariya title to 21 local recipient Sayadaws;
  • Agga Maha Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara title to three persons;
  • Thiri Thudhamma Manijotadhara title to one person;
  • Thiri Thudhamma Theingi title to six persons;
  • Thiha Thudhamma Manijotadhara title to four persons;
  • Thiha Thudhamma Theingi title to six persons;
  • Thudhamma Manijotadhara title to five persons; and
  • Thudhamma Theingi title to 12 persons.

By the Notification No 3/2025 of the SAC of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, the SAC Chairman presented Medals for Excellent Performances to relevant recipients as follows:

  • Medal for excellence in social field (first class) to 249 recipients.

As a gesture of hailing the 77th Anniversary of Independence Day, the honorary titles were conferred on 786 recipients and the religious titles were offered to 415 members of the Sangha, 36 nuns, and 53 persons, totalling 1,290 recipients, it is reported.

Source: MWD (6-1-2025)

  • As a gesture of hailing the 77th Anniversary of Independence Day, the honorary titles were conferred on 786 recipients and the religious titles were offered to 415 members of the Sangha, 36 nuns, and 53 persons, totalling 1,290 recipients.
Thursday, January 16, 2025 - 11:00
January, 2025