Union Ministers Make Management for Fieldwork in Disaster-affected Areas

Union Ministers and concerned officials have made management for fieldwork on water inflow into dams, the status of water flow in creeks, the wreckage of village-to-village connecting roads, bridges, water supply works for villages, the damage of power cables, the conditions of wrecked roads and bridges under repair works, the condition of basic education schools flooded and the provision of healthcare services due to heavy rain by Yagi Typhoon. They carried out the following activities on 26 and 28 September:

  • Union Minister for Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation U Min Naung inspected the water pumping station, irrigation canals and water inlet channels in Shar Taw Village and crop fields of monsoon paddy in Shar Taw, Gwe Pin and Ye Aye Villages of Tatkone Township for replanting monsoon crop plantations in flood-hit areas and boosting crop yields in flood unaffected arable lands in Nay Pyi Taw Council Area.
  • Union Minister for Education Dr. Nyunt Pe inspected the flood affected Basic Education Middle Schools in Tatkone Township, status of teaching in classrooms aftermath cleaning works of mud and debris in the school buildings and compound, and broken power lines.
  • Union Minister for Health Dr. Thet Khaing Win inspected the provisions of field medical treatments for flood victims in Zeyathiri Township of Nay Pyi Taw and Yamethin and Pyawbwe Townships of Mandalay Region.
  • Nay Pyi Taw Council Chair U Than Tun Oo inspected the removal of debris and muds, cleaning works conducted by staff and workers from Nay Pyi Taw Development Committee with the help of machineries in the flood-affected Hsinthay Village of Pyinmana Township, removal and cleaning works of silts after waters receded in Basic Education Post-primary School in Pyinmana Township, and coordinated the requirements to re-open schools as quickly as possible.

          Natural disaster occurred due to extreme flow of water in rivers and creeks, heavy water inflow into the dams across the nation. In this regard, concerned authorities are closely making management to recover the damages. They are also collaborating with relevant organizations to make relief efforts for flood victims in a timely manner, reports say.

Source: MWD (30-9-2024)

  • Union Ministers conducted field inspections on the status of replanting monsoon crop plantations in flood-hit areas and boosting crop yields in flood unaffected arable lands in Nay Pyi Taw Council Area, flood affected Basic Education Schools in Tatkone and Pyinmana Townships, teaching in classrooms aftermath cleaning works of mud and debris in the school buildings and compound, and broken power lines, and provisions of field medical treatments for flood victims in Zeyathiri Township of Nay Pyi Taw and Yamethin and Pyawbwe Townships of Mandalay Region.
Wednesday, October 2, 2024 - 08:45
October, 2024