KIA and KPDF Terrorists of Insurgents Launch Electrically-initiated Rocket Attack in Bhamo Township, Killing Two Monks and Injuring Three Monks, Three Novices and Three Innocent Civilians

KIA and KPDF terrorists of insurgents are launching heavy weapon attacks, electrically-initiated rocket attacks and drone attacks on non-military targets of departmental buildings and residential houses in Bhamo township. On 12 August, a rocket shell launched by KIA and KPDF terrorists of insurgents fell and exploded in Dhamma Pala Lepaw monastery in Myoma ward. Due to the explosion, two monks died with the shrapnel wounds, and three monks, three novices and three civilians were injured.

KIA and KPDF terrorists of insurgents are brutally committing the acts of terrorism such as launching heavy weapon attacks, electrically-initiated rocket attacks on and waging battles in non-military targets of villages and townships where civilians live peacefully. Due to their attacks, religious buildings, departmental buildings, houses and schools in villages and townships were destroyed and the attacks caused heavy impacts on the lives of people. Therefore, locals are strongly condemning their actions. Security forces are taking necessary security measures in the area, it is reported.

Source: GNLM (13-8-2024)

  • Due to a rocket shell launched by KIA and KPDF terrorists of insurgents, two monks passed away with the shrapnel wounds, and three monks, three novices and three civilians were injured.
Thursday, August 15, 2024 - 15:00
August, 2024