Deputy Minister for Commerce U Min Min Participates in BIMSTEC Business Summit

A delegation led by Deputy Minister for Commerce participated in the BIMSTEC business summit which was held in New Delhi, India, from 6 to 8 August.

Indian Deputy Minister of State for External Affairs Pabitra Margherita launched the ceremony of BIMSTEC business summit which was held at Hotel Taj Palace in New Delhi at 6 pm of 6 August.

On 7 August, the Plenary Session of the Summit was held, and Deputy Minister U Min Min, together with the participants from member states made a speech for implementation of the BIMSTEC Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in BIMSTEC region. Then, Deputy Minister discussed Myanmar is taking responsibility as a leading country in the agriculture and food security sector of BIMSTEC, and emphasized discussions on diverse businesses, economic development and enhancement of competitiveness in the economic sector, which are potential outcomes of the international reform process of the BIMSTEC FTA.

The Summit was held under the five major sectors, with the participation of representatives from each member country, in which Director-General U Tin Zaw Myint from Department of Oil and Gas Planning of Ministry of Energy made discussions in coordination session under mountains and sea based economic sector; Executive Officer Daw Hla Hla Yi of UMFCCI in smooth facilitation of trade sector in BIMSTEC region; Secretary-General Daw Khine Khine New in enhancement of women’s economic empowerment sector; Central Executive Officer U Tun Tun Naing of UMFCCI in creation of smooth chain system for MSME businesses in global value chain sector; and Central Executive Officer Daw Nang Kalya Win of UMFCCI in improvement of cooperation in service sector.

The attendees were ambassadors from BIMSTEC member states, including Myanmar Ambassador to India U Moe Kyaw Aung, delegates from chambers of commerce, businesspersons, policy observers, research organizations and experts, totalling more than 500, who adopted in Summit to enhance the links between businesspersons. A delegation led by Deputy Minister U Min Min arrived back in Yangon from New Delhi of India by air on 10 August.

Source: MWD (11-8-2024)

  • At the Plenary Session of the Summit, Deputy Minister U Min Min discussed Myanmar is taking responsibility as a leading country in the agriculture and food security sector of BIMSTEC, and emphasized discussions on diverse businesses, economic development and enhancement of competitiveness in the economic sector.
  • The attendees were ambassadors from BIMSTEC member states, including Myanmar Ambassador to India U Moe Kyaw Aung, delegates from chambers of commerce, businesspersons, policy observers, research organizations and experts, totalling more than 500, who adopted in Summit to enhance the links between businesspersons.


Tuesday, August 13, 2024 - 12:30
August, 2024