The ceremony of assigning duty of gazetted officer for the newly appointed medical doctors by the Ministry of Health was held at MICC-II in Nay Pyi Taw on 31st July. Union Minister for Health Prof: Dr. Thet Khaing Win, officials of the Ministry of Health and 581 newly appointed medical doctors assigned as civil service gazetted officers attended the ceremony.
Union Minister for Health gave a remark as follows:
- The guidance of the head of State such as “learning and working can be engaged only in the condition of good health, there is nothing importance than the human life, every hospital must have doctor” are being implemented by the Ministry and the health human resources are being trained and turned out yearly to be able to appoint fully.
- He mentioned them to focus on public health care activities as professional in accordance with mentally strong and dignity, medical ethics.
- Union Minister gave the appointment letters to the newly recruited doctors as per the medical university.
In order to learn more about the medical experience of the newly recruited doctors and to ensure more medical treatment activities, he has been assigned to central level public hospitals and public hospitals in region and state. A total of 1,275 intern doctors who has successfully passed the final part two examination in University of Medicine are serving in the relevant teaching Hospitals, reports say.
Source: MWD (1-8-2024)
- 581 newly medical doctors appointed as civil service gazetted officers on 31 July and were assigned to central level public hospitals and public hospitals in region and state in order to learn more about the medical experience of the newly recruited doctors and to ensure more medical treatment activities.
- A total of 1,275 intern doctors who has successfully passed the final part two examination in University of Medicine are serving in the relevant teaching Hospitals.