Authorities arrested eight male perpetrators including Cho Gyi (aka) Hein Htet Aung and one female perpetrator, altogether 9, who had plotted to launch a 107 mm rocket attack against the opening ceremony of the Thanlyin Bridge No (3) on 8 June 2024 and aimed to cause casualties of innocent civilians. Along with them, three 107 mm electrically-initiated rockets, three fuses, two hand-grenades, two batteries, four wire coils and other related materials were seized.
- On 14 June, authorities arrested Myo Thein Tun with one FCG gun and one magazine, Zaw Gyi (aka) Ko Htet with one improvised mine, one China-made hand-grenade, one remote control, Ye Zaw Tun (aka) Phoenix with 29 bullet rounds of .38 gun, five improvised mines, one IED, four key-pad phones, nine batteries and one pack of urea fertilizer, and Shein Myintmo Aung (aka) Ko Shein, members of terrorist group named Dark Shadow which is carrying out terrorist acts in Yangon Region.
- Because of the persuasion of Phyu Hnin Aye and Mee Eain Shin (still at large) of Yangon UG member, Cho Gyi (aka) Hein Htet Aung, Ye Zaw Tun (aka) Phoenix, Zaw Gyi (aka) Ko Htet and Shein Myintmo Aung (aka) Ko Shein joined terrorist explosive training which was conducted in the area of KNLA Brigade (6). During the training, they joined online meeting organized by the fugitive Ye Mon of NUG which has been declared as the terrorist group. They were ordered to carry out terrorist acts in Yangon if they had done the training. Ye Mon added that he would arrange to send necessary arms/ammunition and explosives to them.
- They arrived in Yangon in October 2021 and joined the terrorist group named Dark Shadow led by Chan Nyein Thu (aka) Panda Lay. They launched terrorist strikes in Hlinethaya, Mingalar Taung Nyunt and Dagon (Seikkan) Townships. The fugitive Ye Mon provided arms/ammunition, explosives and financial assistance through Chan Nyein Thu.
According to the confessions of the arrested perpetrators, the terrorist group named Dark Shadow launched two terrorist bombings in Yangon as per the instruction of the fugitive Ye Mon as follows:
- The perpetrator Ye Zaw Tun (aka) Phoenix blasted two IEDs at the frontage of office of electric power in Mingala Taung Nyunt Township in December 2021.
- The perpetrator Zaw Gyi (aka) Ko Htet and Shein Myintmo (aka) Ko Shein threw two hand-grenades at the police guard post at the beginning of 5th Street in Hlinethaya Township in the second week of April 2024.
Legal action will be taken against the arrested perpetrators. People are urged to provide secret information about the hide-outs and movements of other perpetrators involved to apprehend them. It is announced that the entire population need to participate in community peace and stability efforts the quickest, it is reported.
Source: GNLM (17-6-2024)
- As per the instruction by the fugitive Ye Mon of NUG which has been declared as the terrorist group, another four perpetrators, who had plotted to launch a 107 mm rocket attack against the opening ceremony of Thalyin Bridge No (3), have been arrested with arms and ammunition.