Deputy Prime Minister and Union Defence Minister, Chairman of Central Body for Summoning People’s Military Servants Admiral Tin Aung San Encourages People’s Military Servant Trainees

Admiral Tin Aung San, SAC Member, Deputy Prime Minister and Union Minister for Defence, Chairman of Central Body for Summoning People’s Military Servants Admiral Tin Aung San recently visited military training schools at Inndaing and Taikkyi stations in Yangon Region to meet trainees of People’s Military Servants Training and provide encouragement on 11 June.

During the visit, the commandants of Military Training Schools briefed Admiral Tin Aung San on the opening of military service courses and discussed training progress.

Admiral Tin Aung San addressed the trainees as follows:

  • The importance of the People’s Military Service Law enacted in November 2010 and the recent notices issued in February 2024 to implement it.
  • The Central Body for summoning people's military servants had been formed and Nay Pyi Taw Council Committee, Region/State Committees on Summoning People’s Military Servants had been formed and duties of committees have been designated.
  • “Every citizen has the duty to undergo military training in accord with the provisions of the law and to serve in the Armed Forces to defend the Union” was described in section 386, chapter 8 of Constitution of 2008.
  • He expressed his honor on the trainees who have voluntary nature of militia service.
  • Once trainees become Tatmadaw personnel, they shall serve security and defence duties tasked.
  • As the nature of military training, trainees need to obey rules and regulations. Again, trainees must keep physical fitness and have been energetic as well as combat readiness and perseverance.
  • Tatmadaw personnel must study military tactics to be mastered and have physical as well as mental fitness.
  • It needs to be good Tatmadaw personnel for the people. Likewise, Trainees need to master military tactics and become good personnel with strong morale.

Following his speech, Admiral Tin Aung San and Yangon Region Chief Minister presented sports gears and provided foodstuffs to the trainees and had lunch with the trainees at the mess of Taikkyi stations.

Afterwards, Admiral Tin Aung San and party inspected lecture of small arms being conducted at the training grounds and lecture of military tactics being conducted at the training hall, barracks, mess and cookhouse, giving necessary instructions to officials.

The People’s Military Service Law was enacted as Law No 27/2010 in November 2010, and the law came into force on 10 February 2024, with the purpose of that as every citizen is under a duty to safeguard Our Three Main National Causes: non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of national sovereignty, every citizen should undergo military training and to serve in the armed forces to defend the State. In this regard, the People Military Servants Training Batch No (1) and (2) were successfully opened in regions and state, it is reported.

Source: MWD (12-6-2024)

  • The trainees who have voluntary nature of militia service were honoured.
  • Once trainees become Tatmadaw personnel, they shall serve security and defence duties tasked.
  • Tatmadaw personnel must study military tactics to be mastered and have physical as well as mental fitness.
  • It needs to be good Tatmadaw personnel for the people. Likewise, Trainees need to master military tactics and become good personnel with strong morale.
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 - 22:45
June, 2024