Myanmar Navy Recuses Injured Crew Member from Chinese Cargo Ship within Myanmar’s Territorial Waters

A crew member from the Chinese cargo ship MV Chang Hang Hao Hai, which headed to China from Dhamra Port of India, fell from a height on 14 May and sustained severe injuries requiring emergency treatment. The incident occurred about 69 miles northwest of Coco Island within Myanmar’s territorial waters, and asked for help via MRCC.

The fast attack craft of Tatmadaw (Navy), conducted rescue work following a request and provided initial healthcare services to the victim, Mr. Tan Bin, on the vessel. He was taken to Tatmadaw Hospital in Hainggyikyun for medical treatment and to Pathein Township for further treatment by ambulance, it is reported.

Source: GNLM(16-5-2024)

  • A crew member from the Chinese cargo ship MV Chang Hang Hao Hai, which headed to China from Dhamra Port of India, got injured and asked for help via MRCC. Myanmar Navy recused the injured crew member.
  • The injured crew member was provided initial healthcare services and taken to Pathein Township for further treatment.
Thursday, May 16, 2024 - 17:45
May, 2024