Vice-Chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC) Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win met with the members of Yangon Region Government and district and township officials at the hall of Yangon Region Government on 13 May to discuss about regional development and economic sectors.
First, the SAC Vice-Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win heard reports on the relevant sectors presented by Yangon Region Chief Minister and officials. After hearing the reports, the Vice-Senior General asked for more information and looked into the requirements. Then, he delivered a speech as follows:
- In Yangon Region, some 17-20 million layers and broilers are being raised in its commercial and manageable scale farms.
- In this regard, it is necessary to establish feedstuff factories for the production of poultry feed so as to reduce 20 per cent of feedstuff production cost than the market prices.
- Regarding the national economic development, the State has disbursed K7.5 billion out of K8 billion to businesspersons. But the loans must be spent on the actual running of businesses. Only when businesspersons actually operate their businesses will they be able to pay back the loans. If so, such money can be disbursed again to other industries.
- Concerning the establishment of public security organization, it is necessary to implement on the ground actually and effectively but not for statistics.
- The population and household census that is conducted once in decade will be collected from 1 to 15 October in 2024 across the entire country and it is necessary to make preparations to conduct the census successfully. Conducting population census is different from voting and conducting correct population census is important for the country.
- Correct data from the census must be enumerated in order to contribute much to education, health, defence, social and economic sectors of the country as well as development undertakings in regions and states. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct the population census properly.
- Preparations must be made for floods that occur in rainy seasons. In connection with health, measures must be taken to prevent endemic diseases in rainy season as much as possible.
- Regarding the education, schools are reopening soon and measures must be taken to open all schools.
- Concerted efforts must be made systematically to enable all school-aged children to attend school, and to pursue education safely in accord with the guidance of the Prime Minister.
- In accordance with the instructions of the Prime Minister, sunflower and other oil crops must be cultivated systematically.
- MSME businesses should not set a vision of foodstuffs and personal goods production for just domestic consumption; instead, they have to set a target to manufacture agriculture- and livestock-based export items.
- Concerning security measures, security awareness and knowledge must be raised to prevent loopholes in the region, and responsible officials are required to prevent unnecessary bullying and blackmailing in accordance with the law.
- As regards the People’s Military Service, provisions have been enacted but it is found that some malicious media wishing to undermine peace and stability spread misinformation to cause public panic. In this regard, the government is carrying out all tasks under the law.
- In implementing the tasks of respective economic zones, relevant officials are instructed to solve water and power supply and labour issues of economic zones in line with the adopted frameworks.
Present together with the SAC Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win were SAC members Dr. Ba Shwe, union ministers, the region chief minister, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, the Yangon Command commander, members of the regional government, and district and township officials.
Source: MWD (14-5-2024)
- The population and household census that is conducted once in decade will be collected from 1 to 15 October in 2024 across the entire country and it is necessary to make preparations to conduct the census successfully. Conducting population census is different from voting and conducting correct population census is important for the country.
- Correct data from the census must be enumerated in order to contribute much to education, health, defence, social and economic sectors of the country as well as development undertakings in regions and states. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct the population census properly.
- MSME businesses should not set a vision of foodstuffs and personal goods production for just domestic consumption; instead, they have to set a target to manufacture agriculture- and livestock-based export items.
Concerning security measures, security awareness and knowledge must be raised to prevent loopholes in the region, and responsible officials are required to prevent unnecessary bullying and blackmailing in accordance with the law.