Unofficial and Subversive Media Circulate Rumours and Fabrication on Social Media Platforms

Unofficial and subversive media have been creating and spreading rumours and fabricated news all round to create instability and unrest across the country; sowing discord between the Tatmadaw and the people, and using various ways to create a misleading impression over the Tatmadaw in the international arena. Under this context;    

  • “RFA Burmese”, an unofficial media source, circulated rumors on social media platforms claiming that nine local men were arrested to serve in the military in Ye-U Township. It is just an allegation. In reality, the Tatmadaw did not use threats, acts of violence or coercion to serve in the military and it is only taking measures regarding military service in accordance with the People’s Military Service Law.
  • “RFA Burmese”, an unofficial media source, spread false information on social media platforms stating that security forces raided and torched the houses in Pyitawtha village of Kalay Township. It is just false news. In reality, terrorists opened fire on security members near the village, landing in the village and damaging the houses by fire.    
  • “Khit Thit”, an unofficial media source, circulated allegation on social media platforms accusing that security personnel searched in Pann Tine Chone village of Pakokku Township and torched the houses in it. It is just a groundless accusation. In fact, security personnel exchanged fire with terrorists and the former is stepping up security measures in the area. But, security forces did not torch any houses in the village.
  • “Myanmar Pressphoto Agency”, an unofficial media source, made rumors on social media platforms stating that security forces shelled Pyar Sakhan village, killing at least three civilians. It is just fake news. In truth, security personnel did not engage any battle with terrorists and did not shell the village.
  • “Khit Thit”, an unofficial media source, circulated allegation on social media platforms claiming that security forces burned down Chaungtawwa village in Madaya Township. It is just false information. In reality, terrorists taking cover in the school of the village opened fire on security forces wh are conducting security duty around the village. After the battle, the terrorists set fire to the houses on their way to retreat. Security personnel confiscated improvised mines and related accessories in the school compound.
  • “Shwe Phee Myay News Agency”, an unofficial media source, circulated allegation on social media platforms stating that one monk and three people were killed during an airstrike on Alegyun village of Kyauktaw Township. It is just fake news. In truth, the Tatmadaw did not launch any air strikes on the said-village.

Since the enforcement of People’s Military Service Law, subversive media and those who do not wish to see peaceful situation are poisoning the entire populace with groundless information on social media platforms to feel frightened and hatred for security personnel and law enforcement organizations, reports say.

  Source: MWD (7-5-2024)

  • The news stating that nine local men were arrested to serve in the military in Ye-U Township is just an allegation. In reality, the Tatmadaw is just taking measures regarding military service in accordance with the People’s Military Service Law.
  • The news stating that security forces raided and torched the houses in Pyitawtha village of Kalay Township is just false news. In reality, terrorists opened fire on security members near the village, landing in the village and damaging the houses by fire.   
  • The news stating that security personnel searched in Pann Tine Chone village of Pakokku Township and torched the houses in it is just a groundless accusation.
  • The news stating that security forces shelled Pyar Sakhan village, killing at least three civilians is just fake news.
  • The news stating that security forces burned down Chaungtawwa village in Madaya Township is just false information. In reality, the terrorists set fire to the houses on their way to retreat after the fight with security personnel.
  • The news stating that one monk and three people were killed during an airstrike on Alegyun village of Kyauktaw Township is just fake news. In truth, the Tatmadaw did not launch any air strikes on the said-village.


Tuesday, May 7, 2024 - 17:00
May, 2024