Union Minister for Education Dr Nyunt Pe Holds Online Meeting with Education Staff for Reopening Schools

Union Minister for Education Dr Nyunt Pe met with the rectors, Principals of Education Degree Colleges and education officers from regions and states via online at the Hall of Ministry in Nay Pyi Taw on 3 May.

During the occasion, the union minister said;

  • On June 3, the University, Education degree college, all basic education schools under the Ministry of Education and universities and schools in various related ministries will be opened at the same time.
  • In some areas where schools were unable to open, all schools must be fully reopened.
  • In basic education schools, they should not only study but also actually play sports during sports, and schedule reading in the school library.
  • As teachers nurtured their students really educated, good manners, and taught in order to make people who love their country and have a sense of patriotism.

The Deputy Ministers supervise the success of the project-based teaching and learning system, establishing a warm hierarchical relationship, supervising the timely completion of construction works and to prepare in advance for natural disasters.

Source: MWD (4-5-2024)

  • Union Minister for Education Dr Nyunt Pe met with the rectors, Principals of Education Degree Colleges and education officers from regions and states via online.
  • On June 3, the University, Education degree college, all basic education schools under the Ministry of Education and universities and schools in various related ministries will be opened at the same time.
  • In some areas where schools were unable to open, all schools must be fully reopened.
Monday, May 6, 2024 - 13:45
May, 2024