Commodities supplied by State Administration Council Arrived in Ann, Sold at a Cheaper Price to Locals

AA terrorists are launching a string of terrorist strikes including prevention of communication in Rakhine State. By contrast, security forces are steadfastly making efforts to ensure peace as well as stability and well road network in the region.

Under the arrangement of State Administration Council, 27 civilian trucks arrived in Ann on 2 May in the evening and sold commodities such as rice, cooking oil, salt, fish paste, garlic, onion and chilli at Shwe Ann Taung Hall to locals. The local people happily bought the said-items.

The local people in Ann and in the surroundings owe the concerned officials a gratitude for the arrangement of selling commodities at a cheaper price in the face of suffering for food, reports say.

 Source: GNLM (4-5-2024)

  • The local people in Ann owe the concerned officials a gratitude for the arrangement of selling commodities that were supplied by State Administration Council at a cheaper price in the face of suffering for food.
Monday, May 6, 2024 - 13:45
May, 2024