Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing Gives Advice to Outstanding Students for 2023-2024 Academic Year

Chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC) Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing met outstanding students for 2023-2024 Academic Year (AY) at the Myanmar International Convention Centre-II (MICC-II) in Nay Pyi Taw on 26 April and gave advice to them as follows:

  • The outstanding students are strength of the nation as well as important human resources for the nation building tasks.
  • Development of the State depends on the capacity of the youths who will serve the State duties to keep abreast of other nations.
  • Hence, youths, themselves, have to learn education in all ways for all-round development in all aspects.
  • The government has been enhancing the youth sector for having five kinds of strengths: physical, mental, moral, social, and financial strengths, in order to be good ones.
  • All youths including outstanding students have to try hard to be outstanding and sharpening in all aspects in line with the visions of learning education with skillfulness in literature.
  • A total of 140 grade-9 students, 140 grade-10 students, 137 grade-11 students and 137 grade-12 students, totalling 554 students were selected from regions and states in 2023-24 AY.
  • The Senior General took pride for those students in passing the many tests at school, township and district levels for turning out the outstanding students.
  • For the outstanding students in this year, grade-9 students would be sent to Bagan on their excursion, grade-10 students to Taunggyi, grade-11 students to Ngwehsaung Beach and grade-12 students to Chaungtha Beach, respectively.
  • It is impossible to improve oneself, one’s life, one’s family, one’s surrounding and one’s country and nationals without a sound education foundation.
  • Therefore, it is very important to enable youths to go to school at their school ages in the basic education sector and to complete their education.
  • Responsible officials, parents and teachers are urged to make concerted efforts to prevent youths from dropping out of schools untimely due to various reasons and becoming ill-educated ones without schooling.
  • Relevant ministries have cooperated for outstanding youths’ pleasant accommodation, food, health, study tours, water and electricity supply, sanitation, safety and convenience along the study trips.
  • Youths are especially urged to take care of one’s health during the trips and serve the interests of the country after returning home.  

Also present at the ceremony were SAC Joint-Secretary and council members, Union ministers and union-level dignitaries, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, the Nay Pyi Taw Council chairman, the commander of Nay Pyi Taw Command, deputy ministers, officials from the Ministry of Education, teachers from basic education schools, outstanding students for 2023-2024 AY, youth scouts, red cross members, maritime youth trainees and air youth trainees.

        Source: MWD (27-4-2024)

  • The outstanding students are strength of the nation as well as important human resources for the nation building tasks.
  • Development of the State depends on the capacity of the youths who will serve the State duties to keep abreast of other nations.
  • Youths, themselves, have to learn education in all ways for all-round development in all aspects.
  • The government has been enhancing the youth sector for having five kinds of strengths: physical, mental, moral, social, and financial strengths, in order to be good ones.
Monday, April 29, 2024 - 08:45
April, 2024