Vice-Chairman of State Administration Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win Inspects Agriculture and Livestock Breeding Tasks in Bahtoo Station

Vice-Chairman of State Administration Council Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win, accompanied by his entourage, arrived at the model agriculture and livestock breeding zone of the animal breeding and training battalion on 3 March and inspected cultivation of seasonal crops, crops for land treatment and jade tissue bananas, breeding layers in fixed farms above water and air-conditioned closed farms, dairy cattle breeding and beef cattle through artificial insemination methods and DYL pigs breeding before giving necessary instructions to officials on their reports.

Then, the Vice-Senior General and party inspected the production and distribution of quality vegetable seeds including pumpkins, gourds, long beans, chili, lady's fingers, mustard greens and eggplants to battalions and units and outside markets at cheaper prices and trial production of quality natural fertilizers from manure of mules/ horses bred in the battalion and animal wastes of chickens, pigs and cattle from the modal livestock breeding zone and animal vaccines and officials conducted round the Vice-Senior General and party.

Then, the Vice-Senior General and party inspected the breeding of layers in farms, equipment for artificial insemination of cattle on display and the pig breeding farms and officials conducted round the Vice-Senior General and party.

Afterward, the Vice-Senior General and party proceeded to the integrated farm (Bahtoo Sam) of the Tatmadaw (Army) Combat Training School (Bahtoo) and inspected the construction of a small dam with the assistance of the Irrigation and Water Utilization Management Department, development of new farmland, cultivation of summer paddy, potatoes and soya beans in the new farmland and asked matters of interest to officers from the Tatmadaw (Army) Combat Training School (Bahtoo) before coordinating their efforts, it is reported.

Source: GNLM (4-4-2024)

  • The Vice-Senior General and party inspected the model agriculture and livestock breeding zone of the animal breeding as well as the training battalion, and gave necessary guidance to relevant officials’ reports.
Friday, April 5, 2024 - 11:15
April, 2024