Local Ethnic People from Hopone peacefully Stage Rally against Insurgents and Terrorists attacking in Hopone and His Hseng Townships

On 31 March, more than 1,100 monks and peaceable local ethnic people in Hopone town gathered at Myoma Stadium and marched along Hopone-Hsihseng road till  the stone pillar in front of Mwetaw Pagoda. Along the way, they are shouting slogans such as, “We don’t want KNDF and PDF terrrorist groups”, “We don’t want TNLA terrrorist group”, “We don’t want terrrorist groups who torch houses in the villages”,  “We don’t want terrrorist groups who destroy socio-economic status of the people”, “Those who destroy community peace and tranquility are our enemies” and “Crush the terrorist group which destroy race, language and religion” People Stage Rallies.

Professing themselves to serve the interest of the Hopone and Hsihseng Townships in Pa’O self-administered zone of southern Shan State, PNLO, KNDF and PDF terrorist and insurgents have been committing terrorist acts constantly in reality with intent to destroy the peace and stability and socioeconomic life of the local residents in the Shan State. As such, the insurgents are launching attacks on non-military targets of the residential areas, religious edifices and schools using drones and heavy weapons. As the local residents can no longer bear the aforesaid destructive acts, they strongly protest and denounce the terrorists, it is reported.

   Sources: MWD (30.3.2024)

  • More than 1,100 local ethnic people in Hopone staged a rally against terrorists and insurgents who are attacking Hopone and Hsihseng Townships, southern Shan State.
  • PNLO, KNDF and PDF terrorist and insurgents have been committing terrorist acts constantly in reality with intent to destroy the peace and stability and socioeconomic life of the local residents in the Shan State. As such, the insurgents are launching attacks on non-military targets of the residential areas, religious edifices and schools using drones and heavy weapons.
Monday, April 1, 2024 - 17:00
April, 2024