Military Attaches and Officials Lay Honorary Bouquet at Memorial to Fallen Heroes (Nay Pyi Taw), Salute

Military attaches and officials in Myanmar arriving to attend ceremonies to mar the 79th Armed Forces Day laid an honorary bouquet and salute fallen heroes at the Memorial to the Fallen Heroes (Nay Pyi Taw) on 27 March.

On behalf of all military attaches in Myanmar, the Indonesian military attach as the team leader signed in the guest book. Then, they posed for documentary photos and viewed around the Memorial, it is reported.

Source: GNLM (28-3-2024)

  • Military attaches and officials in Myanmar arriving to attend ceremonies to mar the 79th Armed Forces Day laid an honorary bouquet and salute fallen heroes at the Memorial to the Fallen Heroes (Nay Pyi Taw).
Thursday, March 28, 2024 - 20:30
March, 2024