Vice-Chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC) Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win comforted officers, other ranks and families, members of Myanmar Police Force and people’s militia (local) members receiving medical treatment at the military hospital in Aungban of Shan State (South) on 14 March.
At the meeting hall of the hospital, the hospital commandant reported on healthcare services given to Tatmadaw members and families, MPF members, people’s militia (local) members and requirements. After giving the necessary instructions, the Vice-Senior General fulfilled the needs.
Afterwards, the Vice-Senior General and party asked after the health of officers, other ranks and families, and members of MPF and people’s militia (local), who were receiving medical treatment, individually and presented foodstuff to them. The Vice-Senior General also presented cash awards and gifts to hospital staff through officials. The Vice-Senior General had lunch together with senior officer instructors and senior officer trainees at the Command and General Staff College, it is reported.
Source: MWD (15-3-2024)
- The Vice-Senior General and party asked after the health of officers, other ranks and families, and members of MPF and people’s militia (local), who were receiving medical treatment, individually and presented foodstuff to them. The Vice-Senior General also presented cash awards and gifts to hospital staff through officials.