Peace talks between the State Peace Talks Team and five NCA signatory EAOs were held at the National Solidarity and Peacemaking Centre in Nay Pyi Taw from 29 to 31 August. The spokespersons explained the current peace talks being held, humanitarian assistance and further peace talks to be hold at the press conference regarding peace talks.
The government, Hluttaw, Tatmadaw and eight ethnic armed organizations-EAOs signed the nationwide ceasefire agreement-NCA on 15 October 2015 in the presence of diplomats from the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of India, Japan, Thailand, the European Union and the United Nations as well as local witnesses. Additionally, it is a historic treaty that has been approved by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw. On 13th February 2018, two more EAOs signed the NCA, which made the NCA signatory EAOs a total of 10 groups. During the tenure of the State Administration Council, the government held meetings with 7 NCA-signatory EAOs, 3 Non-signatory EAOs, and the political party. During these meetings, agreements have been reached in implementing cooperative efforts for a strong multi-party democracy system, building a union based on democracy and a federal system, which is the desire of the entire people, harmonious efforts for peace and development of the Union, and amending 21 sections of the State Constitution (2008). For providing humanitarian assistance, the Joint Ceasefire Monitoring Committee (JMC), in cooperation with UN agencies, is providing assistance to the areas that actually need it, through collaboration with the concerned state government. Currently, humanitarian aid has been distributed to the needy persons in Leiktho-Yado region of Thandaunggyi Township in Kayin State, Laykaekaw region of Myawady Township, Rathedaung, Ponnagyun and Mrauk-U townships in Rakhine State, Hsihseng, Pinlaung, Pekhon, Nyaungshwe, Taunggyi and Hopong townships of Shan State. JMC will continue to provide assistance to the needy areas in the future.
The Spokesperson of the five NCA-Signatory EAOs, Daw Saw Mra Raza Lin, said the NCA is a true essence for the entire people, and it was officially signed between the government and EAOs. The President, two Vice-Presidents, the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services, and the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services, along with the representatives from 8 EAOs, signed the NCA in the presence of local and international witnesses. National-level political dialogues were held based on the NCA. Since the NCA is a treaty approved by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, it cannot be annulled. That’s why most of the NCA-Signatory EAOs will continue to implement the NCA and hold the dialogues until achieving peace, resulting in the emergence of a democratic federal union. Discussions are underway for the practical participation of EAOs in building democracy and a federal union. NCA will reach its 8th anniversary on 15th October, and discussions are being made on the plans to organize the 8th anniversary celebration meaningfully.
Source: GNLM (29-8-2023)
- Peace talks between the State Peace Talks Team and five NCA signatory EAOs were held from 29 to 31 August.
- The spokespersons explained the current peace talks being held, humanitarian assistance and further peace talks to be hold at the press conference regarding peace talks.
- The government, Hluttaw, Tatmadaw and eight ethnic armed organizations-EAOs signed the nationwide ceasefire agreement-NCA on 15 October 2015 in the presence of diplomats from the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of India, Japan, Thailand, the European Union and the United Nations as well as local witnesses. Additionally, it is a historic treaty that has been approved by the Pyidaungsu Hluttaw.
- On 13th February 2018, two more EAOs signed the NCA.