PDF Terrorists Launch Drone Attack on Tagaung

On 1 March, PDF terrorists taking from the position about 800 meters to the eastern part of Shwezali monastery launched drone attack on Tagaung of Thabeikkyin township of Mandalay region. The bombs were dropped on the house of U Zaw Aung at the opposite side of the monastery and exploded inside the house. As a result of the explosion, a total of 20 houses with zinc roofing and bamboo matting partition were destroyed by fire.

There had been many incidents in which PDF terrorists launched mortar attacks and drone attacks on non-military targets of schools, departmental buildings, villages and residential houses recklessly, killing some innocent civilians including children. Therefore, the entire population strongly condemns acts of terrorism.

The members of township fire brigades and security forces joining together with locals put out the place where the fire occurred and the official conducted necessary assistance, it is reported.

Source: Myawady Daily Newspaper (3-3-2024)


  • So- called PDF terrorists launched drone attack on Tagaung, leaving a total of 20 houses zinc roofing and bamboo matting partition destroyed by fire.
Monday, March 4, 2024 - 08:30
March, 2024