Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing Cordially Meets Town Elders from Bagan Ancient Cultural Region

The Chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC) Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, accompanied by entourages and officials, cordially met Town Elders from Bagan Ancient Cultural Region and departmental officials from Nyaung-U, Pakokku, Myingyan, Minbu and Magway Districts at Bagan Cultural Museum in Bagan on 27 August to discuss about regional development.

First, the SAC Chairman Prime Minister discussed as follows:

  • Bagan-NyaungU area needs extra progress as it is a destination for a large number of local and foreign visitors. Further innovative means must be applied to attract more visitors.
  • Modern technology must be used in restoring the archaeological value of the pagodas in Bagan area for its durability.
  • Agriculture, livestock and technical high schools have been opened in districts to turn out necessary human resources required for the industry’s modernization.
  • As our country is a democracy, people should have broader legal knowledge. In this regard, law courses are conducted at the universities. Additionally economics is also a compulsory subject at the institutions of higher learning as socio-economic development calls for economic outlook.
  • Mandalay and Magway regions have water resources for farming activities. The two should effectively harness rivers for the farming business.
  • Town elders are urged to openly present the basic needs for peace and stability, and socioeconomic development in the Bagan-NyaungU area and the needs to be fulfilled by the government.

Next, those town elders at the meeting reported on the government support for the restoration of pagodas and development of the archaeological zone in Bagan Ancient Cultural Region, the further development of the transport and communication facilities in the zone, the electricity supply and reinforcement of health staff in Bagan area, extension of school buildings for students to learn education, and upgrading of Nyaung-U airport to ensure the landing of international flights for more tourist attractions. Then, the departmental officials from Nyaung-U, Pakokku, Myingyan, Minbu and Magway Districts also presented the facts of regional development and implementation of regional development measures.

After hearing the reports, the SAC Chairman Prime Minister instructed the officials as follows:

  • The number of tourist arrivals is still lesser due to some sanctions politically imposed with various reasons.
  • It is necessary to seek new businesses with their new innovations rather than the use of traditional ways that have already successful businesses.
  • As the Bagan area has small rainy days, electricity should be generated from solar energy as much as possible for electrifying the area.
  • As aeroplanes from international flights are difficult to land in Bagan-NyaungU airport due to its location in ancient cultural region, a plan is underway to upgrade Pakokku Airport as the international airport for long term convenience.
  • Water from Ayeyawady River can be treated to sufficiently supply it to the people from Bagan through the solar-powered river water pumping station.
  • Efforts to enable food security in the region will help the ease the rising commodity prices.

Then, Union Ministers U Win Shein, U Tin Oo Lwin, U Min Naung and U Hla Moe participated in the sector-wise discussion while the chief ministers of Mandalay and Magway regions and officials reported on the regional development matters.

After hearing the reports, the SAC Chairman Prime Minister gave guidelines as follows:

  • Most of the businesses in the country are MSMEs.
  • For operating the MSMEs, raw materials are required and it is necessary to manufacture value-added products with the use of local raw materials of agriculture and livestock produce.
  • Cotton was grown in Magway and Mandalay regions mainly in the past. Lately, the cotton has grown less due to various reasons.  That is why cotton cultivation has been supported and encouraged when the government is taking the responsibilities.
  • It is necessary to grow long staple cotton to manufacture quality textile products. Therefore, Mandalay and Magway regions need to fulfill the cotton requirement of the country.
  • The peaceful and stable regions will have development whereas armed insurgency causing instability of the region will hamper regional development measures. So, all are urged to work together for regional development.

Present at the meeting were Chief Ministers of Mandalay and Magway Regions, Commander of Central Command, Union Ministers and officials, Town Elders from Bagan Ancient Cultural Region in Nyaung-U District of Mandalay Region and Departmental Officials from Nyaung-U, Pakokku, Myingyan, Minbu and Magway Districts.

Source: MWD (28-8-2023)


  • Bagan-NyaungU area needs extra progress as it is a destination for a large number of local and foreign visitors. Further innovative means must be applied to attract more visitors.
  • Modern technology must be used in restoring the archaeological value of the pagodas in Bagan area for its durability.
  • It is necessary to seek new businesses with their new innovations rather than the use of traditional ways that have already successful businesses.
  • As the Bagan area has small rainy days, electricity should be generated from solar energy as much as possible for electrifying the area.
  • As aeroplanes from international flights are difficult to land in Bagan-NyaungU airport due to its location in ancient cultural region, a plan is underway to upgrade Pakokku Airport as the international airport for long term convenience.
  • Water from Ayeyawady River can be treated to sufficiently supply it to the people from Bagan through the solar-powered river water pumping station.
Monday, August 28, 2023 - 14:30
August, 2023