Cash Rewards and Foodstuffs Presented for Security Personnel fulfilling National Defence and Security Duties

Generous donators presented the following cash rewards and foodstuffs for security personnel fulfilling national defence and security duties:

  • On 21 February, instant foods in 3,300 plastic bottles, under the lead of Bago Region Government, Kayin State Government and Mon State Government, in additional to a total of 231,462,850 kyats worth of foodstuffs were provided in honour, for military personnel fulfilling national defence and security duties.
  • On 22 February, under the lead of Ayeyarwaddy Region Government, instant dish were provided by air to security personnel deployed in Sittway, Rakhine State.

Those supplies and foodstuffs will be transported to military personnel deployed in front line areas, it is reported.

     Source: Myawady Daily Newspaper (23-2-2024)


  • Instant foods in 3,300 plastic bottles, under the lead of Bago Region Government, Kayin State Government and Mon State Government, in additional to a total of 231,462,850 kyats worth of foodstuffs were provided in honour, for military personnel fulfilling national defence and security duties.
Friday, February 23, 2024 - 16:45
February, 2024