The Opening Ceremony of the 52nd Myanmar Health Research Congress took place at the Department of Medical Research in Yangon on 22 January, with the attendance of Union Minister for Health Dr. Thet Khaing Win, Yangon Region Chief Minister U Soe Thein, deputy minister Dr. Aye Tun and officials. First, the Chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC) Prime Minister Senior General Thadoe Maha Thray Sithu Thadoe Thiri Thudhamma Min Aung Hlaing delivered an honorary speech through video message.
Afterward, Union Minister delivered a remark as follows:
- The theme of this year’s congress is “Enhancing Research Integrity and Research Ethics”.
- The papers to be submitted at the congress include the research on health awareness campaigns regarding the COVID-19 pandemic faced in Myanmar, prevention and vaccination, communicable Multidrug-resistant TB, prevention of non-communicable diseases and other research papers of the researchers of Department of Public Health, Department of Medical Services, and Department of Medical Reseach under the Ministry of Health and Tatmadaw Medical Research Unit under the Ministry of Defence.
- The Ministry of Health also allocated over K1.1 billion for 201 research projects this financial year to continue assistance for development of research works of the Ministry of Health and its allied ministries.
After the opening ceremony, Union Minister and party observed the research poster exhibition. They then participated in the discussions of research paper regarding COVID-19 vaccination, and health behaviours relating to Myanmar selection athletes, and asked what they wanted to know.
Then, Myanmar and Korean experts held the “Myanmar-Korea Joint Symposium (2024)- Combating Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis” regarding the research findings of drug-resistant TB, a communicable disease.
The paper award selecting subcommittee will present the best paper awards, including Basic Research, Applied Research, Health Systems Research, best poster and young researchers.
Source: MWD (23-1-2024)
- The Opening Ceremony of the 52nd Myanmar Health Research Congress took place at the Department of Medical Research in Yangon on 22 January, with the attendance of Union Minister for Health Dr. Thet Khaing Win and officials.