K5.946 Billion worth of Stimulant Tablets and Heroin Confiscated in Mandalay

The combined team including members Anti-Drug Task Force put an emphasis on seizures of illicit drugs in Mandalay Region;

  • Between 8 and 10 January, the combined team searched a warehouse in Ward (I), Pyigyidagun Township. During the search, they arrested Sar Oo and Mai Aik Kyin, along with 1.11 million stimulant tablets and 92.4 kilos of heroin. Again, they arrested Hla Thein living in Kanthaya Ward, Chanmyathazi Township, along with 4.4 kilos of heroin. Next, they apprehended Hein Latt and Ma Aye Aye Aung living in Ohnchaw village, Patheingyi Township, along with 4.4 kilos of heroin and 0.5 million of stimulant tablets at their farm.  In total, K4.945 billion worth of more than 16 million of stimulant tablets and 100 kilos of heroin were confiscated.
  • On 10 January, the combined team arrested the driver Zin Min Tun in Pyigyitagon Township, along with K1.1 billion worth of 44 kilos of herion in 4,400 plastic soap cups in the TOYOTA HIACE vehicle.
  • The drug-related offenders transport heroin and stimulant tablets to Mandalay Region from Shan State. Again, they continue to transport those drugs to Kachin State.

The arrested drug-related offenders were taken legal action under the law, and authorities are actively investigating and identifying individuals involved in the drug-related crimes, it is reported.

Source: Global News Light of Myanmar (17-1-2024)


  • The combined team including members of Anti-Drug Task Force arrested six drug-related offenders in Pyigyitagon of Mandalay Region, along with K5.946 billion worth of more than 16 million of stimulant tablets and 144 kilos of heroin.
  • The drug-related offenders transport heroin and stimulant tablets to Mandalay Region from Shan State. Again, they continue to transport those drugs to Kachin State.
Thursday, January 18, 2024 - 08:30
January, 2024