In the tenure of State Administration Council Government, efforts are being made to increase exports via border trade posts and regular trade routes. In this regard;
- During over eight-month period from 1st of April to 15th of December, Myanmar earned USD 931.955 million from the export of 1,100,371.24 tonnes of varieties of pulses: 964,987.844 tonnes via maritime trade route and 135,383.398 tonnes via border trade posts.
- From April to November, 5,071.236 tonnes of Panamei white shrimp from Myeik district in Taninthayi Region were exported to foreign markets.
- During over eight-month period from April to 15th of December, Myanmar earned USD 479.898 million from the export fishery products.
Myanmar exports aquatic products to 45 foreign countries yearly. At present, it primarily exports live animals to neighboring countries via border trade posts, it is reported.
Source: Myawady Daily Newspaper (26-12-2023)
- During over eight-month period from 1st of April to 15th of December, Myanmar earned USD 931.955 million from the export of 1,100,371.24 tonnes of varieties of pulses.
- From April to November, 5,071.236 tonnes of Panamei white shrimp from Myeik district in Taninthayi Region were exported to foreign markets.
- During over eight-month period from April to 15th of December, Myanmar earned USD 479.898 million from the export fishery products.
Tuesday, December 26, 2023 - 17:00
December, 2023