Union Minister Dr. Soe Win Provides Items to and Comforts IDPs in Lashio

Union Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Dr. Soe Win, accompanied by Chief Minister of Shan State, provided cash assistance and relief items to IDPs who temporarily sheltered in Lashio after they fled from Shan and Kayah States as follows;

  • He provided cash assistance of 1,000,000 kyats and 2,650,000 kyats for ration and foodstuffs as well as clothing donated by the Head of State to IDPs in Kammain monastery, No (12), Lashiogyi ward, Lashio, and said words of comfort.
  • He provided cash assistance of 1,000,000 kyats and 2,448,000 kyats for ration and foodstuffs as well as clothing donated by the Head of State to IDPs in Shwepyiaye Dhamma Centre, No (8), Aung Thida ward, and cordially greeted them.
  • He provided cash assistance of 1,000,000 kyats and 729,000 kyats for ration, relief items and foodstuffs as well as clothing to IDPs in Pan Oak monastery, No (4), Ar Yon Daw ward, Lashio.
  • He provided cash assistance of 1,000,000 kyats and 6,696,000 kyats for ration and foodstuffs as well as clothing to IDPs in Thiri Mingala Masu Shan monastery, No (12), Lashiogyi ward, Lashio, and said words of comfort.  The amount the Union Minister provided relief items and cash assistance for ration to 1,392 IDPs of 387 households on 10 December was 12.528 million kyats. To date, the total amount of cash assistance provided to IDPS in Lashio has been 77.175 million kyats, it is reported.

Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar (12-12-2023)


  • The amount the Union Minister provided relief items and cash assistance for ration to 1,392 IDPs of 387 households on 10 December was 12.528 million kyats. To date, the total amount of cash assistance provided to IDPS in Lashio has been 77.175 million kyats.
Tuesday, December 12, 2023 - 21:00
December, 2023