The Meeting 7/2023 of the Union Government was held at the State Administration Council Chairman Office in Nay Pyi Taw on 4 December. The Chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC) Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing attended the meeting and delivered a speech as follows:
- Some of the monsoon crops are now at the harvesting stage. As a result of the region/state wise efforts, crop production increased, but still needed to hit the target.
- If coffee cultivation can be extended as the set plan, there will be a significant growth in coffee production within the coming five years.
- Regarding the rubber cultivation, regions and states place rubber on 1.6 million acres of land. As rubber product is a sure product, it can be used in manufacturing the proper products. So, regions and states need to encourage cultivation of rubber.
- According to the monetary assets in banks of the country, the private ownership is the largest. If the ownership can be spent on agriculture and livestock industries for the sake of the State and the people, businesspersons, employees, the State and the people will have benefits.
- In the previous era, tax collection amount increased in regions and states. As revenue is spent on the development of the nation, it is necessary to collect tax.
- In this regard, tax rate should not be increased but tax space must be expanded.
- Sanctions were imposed to Myanmar to face difficulties of foreign currency, harming banking system. As such, it is necessary to increase export volume to earn foreign currency with raising the domestic production.
- The government since its establishment has been managing exportation measures. In this regard, prices of fuel and cooking oil are controlled.
- But unscrupulous persons committed rising of cooking oil for causing difficulties to the people. Effective action was taken against those unscrupulous persons for their committed acts under the law.
- Some reviewed that manufacturing weakness is based on high prices of inputs but businesspersons are not interested in manufacturing sector depending on the profits that they will gain.
- Despite having less profits, large production can earn profits. So, the government allows rubber businesspersons to spend 70 percent of the export earnings in order to easily import fertilizers and other inputs for agriculture and livestock farms.
- Agriculture based MSMEs must be encouraged. As different regions manufacture different products, products that are suitable for the region must be encouraged to be successfully produced.
- The government needs to encourage MSMEs based on natural products such as wood, bamboo, rattan and other materials. We need to think about penetrating not only domestic but also foreign markets.
- In carrying out the MSME businesses, it is necessary to make sure One Region One Product. We also need to think comprehensively until they can penetrate not only the domestic market but also the overseas market.
- Regarding basic education, except for the areas where there is a conflict, 100 percent school attendance is seen in the remaining areas. As well as teachers, relevant local governments, state and regional officials need to work together in administrative and security measures.
- We acknowledge the teachers from the Ministry of Education who are working in the field of teaching amid the difficulties. We also praise the health workers for providing healthcare to the local people.
- From the time of the Tatmadaw government to date, development undertakings reversed the situation of Rakhine State with remarkable improvement.
- However, AA armed organization commit to instability in the condition of development undertakings. Now, AA armed organization attempts to cause armed terrorism in MraukU, Kyauktaw and Paletwa regions.
- Such conflicts will bring bad consequences to residents, and their sabotage will cause loss and damage to bridges, roads, buildings and ancient cultural heritages provided by the government within a short time.
- Although now is the time to carry out development tasks in their region, valuable time was spent on reconstructing damaged bridges and roads and rehabilitation tasks with a large sum of funds.
- Due to KNPP and KNDF terrorists, clashes happened in the Loikaw region of Kayah State in last year. When the area was stable, residents rehabilitated and reconstructed with their funds.
- Now, terror acts of KNPP groups have destroyed houses and buildings in Loikaw, so it is challenging to carry out rehabilitation tasks.
- If armed organizations keep on being foolish, residents of the relevant regions will suffer bad impacts. So, it is necessary to consider the lives of the people, and those organizations need to solve their problems politically, discarding their naughty moves.
- The Union system that we are moving forward is based on democracy and federalism, and it includes all the points they are asking for.
- Our Three Main National Causes: non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national solidarity and perpetuation of sovereignty are being implemented with the national concept.
- Such conflicts in the country can harm the State economy as well as the tourism sector. Only when the country is peaceful and stable in political and security measures, will inbound and outbound tourism industries boom.
Then, the Union Ministers at the meeting reported on sector-wise matters, and the Senior General gave necessary instructions on their reports, following the meeting concluded.
Also present were SAC Vice-Chairman Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win, union ministers and officials. The Nay Pyi Taw Council chair and chief ministers from regions and states attended the meeting through videoconferencing.
Source: MWD (5-12-2023)
- In collecting tax, tax rate should not be increased but tax space must be expanded without remaining any fields to be paid.
- Unscrupulous persons committed rising of cooking oil for causing difficulties to the people. Effective action was taken against those unscrupulous persons for their committed acts under the law.
- In carrying out the MSME businesses, it is necessary to make sure One Region One Product. We also need to think comprehensively until they can penetrate not only the domestic market but also the overseas market.
- We acknowledge the teachers from the Ministry of Education who are working in the field of teaching amid the difficulties. We also praise the health workers for providing healthcare to the local people.
- AA armed organization commit to instability in the condition of development undertakings. Now, AA armed organization attempts to cause armed terrorism in MraukU, Kyauktaw and Paletwa regions.
- Now, terror acts of KNPP groups have destroyed houses and buildings in Loikaw, so it is challenging to carry out rehabilitation tasks.
- If armed organizations keep on being foolish, residents of the relevant regions will suffer bad impacts. So, it is necessary to consider the lives of the people, and those organizations need to solve their problems politically, discarding their naughty moves.
- The Union system that we are moving forward is based on democracy and federalism, and it includes all the points they are asking for.
Wednesday, December 6, 2023 - 08:15
December, 2023