Vice-Chairman of State Administration Council Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win Visits Christian Church and Thetkaepyin IDP Camp in Sittwe

Vice-Chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC) Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win, in his capacity as the Chairman of the National Natural Disaster Management Committee, accompanied by officials, visited St. Mark Cathedral in Sittwe on 15 June and viewed the renovation of the Church damaged by the storm.

First, Rev of the Cahthedral explained damage in the storm, renovation and religious affairs. After coordinating necessary measures, the SAC Vice-Chairman Deputy Prime Minister delivered remarks as follows:

  • Although everybody is allowed freedom of faith for relevant religions under the Constitution, they all are residing in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, so they have to be loyal to the State.
  • In accord with the guidance of the Prime Minister, efforts are being made to soonest rehabilitate the Mocha-hit areas.
  • Due to the preparedness ahead of the cyclone, it was able to face the very severe storm with the minimum damage and losses.
  • He wished may all serve the duties of one’s religion in the remembrance of God, and presented foodstuffs and aid to Christian organizations.

Continuously, the SAC Vice-Chairman Deputy Prime Minister and party proceeded to the Thetkaepyin IDP camp, and said the following points at the meeting of those living in the camp:

  • The suffering of everybody residing in the country regardless of citizens, associate citizens and naturalized citizens in all advantages and disadvantages.
  • The need to work together in rehabilitation measures after experiencing the disaster of Mocha Cyclone.
  • The matters relating to the utmost efforts to ensure food sufficiency and accommodate proper living standards in accord with the guidance of the Prime Minister. Then, he presented foodstuffs, packets of vegetable seeds and tarpaulin rolls to officials.

Later, the SAC Vice-Chairman Deputy Prime Minister and officials cordially greeted those present in the meeting.

Source: MWD (16-6-2023)


  • The SAC Vice-Chairman Deputy Prime Minister visited the St. Mark Cathedral and Thetkaepyin IDP camp in Sittwe, met the responsible officials from there, and presented foodstuffs, packets of vegetable seeds and tarpaulin rolls to them.
Friday, June 16, 2023 - 17:15
June, 2023