Public Notification to be followed by the House or Apartment Owners who Rent Terrorists

Anti-Terrorism Central Committee issued the public notification again that the owners will also face legal punishment in addition to the confiscation of house or apartment as State Treasury if they have not checked the renters systematically for rent and not informed authorities about overnight guest list when the terrorists who rent the houses and apartments from the owners are taken legal action under the counter-terrorism law.  


The terrorists groups CRPH, NUG and PDF as well as connected groups, who do not wish to see stability and development of the country, have been making various acts of violence such as bomb attacks, killings and murders with grudge in order to cause utter devastation of the State. The criminals rent boarding houses, houses and apartments to cover up their tracks after they have committed terrorist crimes, according to the incidents arrested.

In order to prevent such terrorist acts, owners of boarding houses, houses and apartments need to rent to renter after they have got the renter’s full personal data and documents. Further, the owners must inform office of ward/village administrator about overnight guest list, together with the said-data and documents. The Anti-Terrorism Central Committee has issued the announcement that the owners will also face legal punishment in addition to the confiscation of house or apartment as State Treasury if they have not checked the renters systematically for rent and not informed authorities about overnight guest list when the terrorists who rent the houses and apartments from the owners are taken legal action under the counter-terrorism law.

Although the announcement has been issued, some owners of houses as well as apartments have been making the continuation of rent to the terrorists, ignoring the announcement. The continuation amounts to the support of terrorist acts. The Counter-Terrorism Law prescribes that those who give the chance to terrorists and terrorist groups to use buildings as well as places and temporary stay are defined as those who commit terrorist crimes like terrorists.

Accordingly, the notification is issued again that the owners will also face legal punishment as supporters of terrorism under the trial in addition to the confiscation of house or apartment as State Treasury if they have not checked the renters systematically for rent and not informed authorities about overnight guest list when the case occurs.    

Anti-Terrorism Central Committee


Source: Myawady Daily Newspaper (13-6-2023)


  • Owners of boarding houses, houses and apartments need to rent to renter after they have got the renter’s full personal data and documents. Further, the owners must inform office of ward/village administrator about overnight guest list, together with the said-data and documents.
  • The continuation of rent to the terrorists by disregarding for the notification amounts to the support of terrorist acts. When the renters are taken legal action under the Counter-Terrorism Law, the rented houses and apartments will be confiscated as State Treasury. The owners will also face legal punishment as supporters of terrorism, it is announced again.


Tuesday, June 13, 2023 - 17:00
June, 2023