Aids, Relief Materials, Supplies Transported to Victims of Cyclonic Storm MOCHA in Rakhine State

Military aircraft/helicopters and naval vessels are daily delivering aids, relief materials and supplies to locals in Sittwe township of Rakhine state affected by the Cyclone Mocha.

On 31 May, a total weight of 34 tonnes including water bottles, diesel and octane, rolls of tarpaulin, construction materials, medical supply boxes, waterproof canvas rolls, foodstuffs and necessary things were delivered by a 29-metre landing craft from Yaychanpyin port to Rathedaung port.

From 1 to 3 June, people including Tatmadaw members and departmental staff who were to participate in rehabilitation activities, telecommunication materials, clothes, foodstuffs, school uniforms and textbooks, exercise books for schools, and foodstuffs, bags of rice and vegetables for monasteries and nunneries were delivered by military aircrafts.

Military aircraft/helicopters are delivering aids, relief materials and supplies to locals affected by the Cyclone Mocha in a timely manner. To date, a total weight of 447.2 tonnes of relief materials and 3,134 people, who are Tatmadaw members and civil servants and are participating in rehabilitation activities, were conveyed by military aircrafts.  Concerned authorities received relief supplies transported by military aircrafts/helicopters and naval vessels, and they have been making arrangements to transport the supplies to storm-hit towns and villages, it is reported.


Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar (5-6-2023)

  • Military aircrafts/helicopters and naval vessels transported aid and relief supplies to victims of cyclonic storm “Mocha” in Sittwe of Rakhine State.
  • To date, military aircrafts/helicopters and naval vessels transported a total weight of 447.2 tonnes of aid and relief supplies and 3,134 people, who are Tatmadaw members and civil servants and are participating in rehabilitation activities to victims of cyclonic storm “Mocha” in Sittwe of Rakhine State.




Tuesday, June 6, 2023 - 08:30
June, 2023