Relief Supplies Provided to Victims of Cyclonic Storm (MOCHA)

The Government, the Tatmadaw and relevant state/region governments are providing cash assistance, necessary relief items, medications and foodstuffs to the victims suffering loss and damage in the aftermath of Cyclone Mocha.

  • On 24 May, Admiral Tin Aung San, Deputy Prime Minister and Union Minister, provided relief supplies and food stuffs to storm victims in Pauktaw Township, and offered uncooked rice, other things and zinc-roofing sheets to Sayadaw of Bawan monastery.  
  • On 24 May, Lt-Gen Min Naing provided rice, cooking oil, salt, chick pea, eggs, instant noodles and zinc-roofing sheets to 82 households affected by cyclonic storm (MOCHA) in Hakha, Chin State.
  • On 24 May, Brig-Gen Kyaw Kyaw Soe comforted patients from storm-hit areas, who have already arrived at public hospital in Myebon, and provided eggs and instant noodles.

Storm victims expressed word of thanks for provisions. Then, the officials cordially greeted the victims and attended to their needs, it is reported.


Source: Myawady Daily Newspaper (25-5-2023)

  • The Government, the Tatmadaw and relevant state/region governments are providing cash assistance, necessary relief items, medications and foodstuffs to the victims suffering loss and damage in the aftermath of Cyclone Mocha.



Friday, May 26, 2023 - 08:30
May, 2023