The state/region governments are holding the events of providing foodstuffs, cash assistance and school supplies for students to temporarily displaced persons in their respective regions and states as follows –
- A total of 540 family members of temporarily displaced persons in Pakkoku district of Magway region were provided in Pakkoku township 540 bags of rice (each contains 6 Pyis of rice), 162 visses (272.16 kg) of cooking oil, 162 visses (272.16 kg) of salt, 135 visses (226.8 kg) of onion, 135 visses (226.8 kg) of garlic, 243 visses (408.24 kg) of potato, 135 pyis of dried chickpea, 1,080 eggs, 120 pairs of school uniform, 540 longyis for men and women, and clothes, soups, tooth paste and tooth brushes.
- Family members of temporarily displaced persons in Sagaing region were provided 112,4 bags of rice, 4,570 eggs, 4,570 packs of instant noodle, 457 visses (767.76 kg) of onion, 457 visses (767.76 kg) of potato, 150 pairs of school uniform, 150 dozens of blank book, 914 boxes that contain 17 types of relief materials in Monywa and Chaung- U townships of Sagaing region.
- Family members of temporarily displaced persons in Kayin state were provided K535,515,753 worth of rice, cooking oil, pulses, potato, onions, garlics, instant noodles and school uniforms for students in Hlaingbwe and Kamamaung townships of Kayin state.
- Family members of temporarily displaced persons in Kayah state were provided rice, cooking oil, salt and dried chickpeas as well as cash assistance of K111.9 millions in Loikaw township of Kayah state.
- A total of 491 family members of temporarily displaced persons in Rakhine state were provided 154 bags of rice, 100 pairs of school uniform, 100 blank books, and family kits that contain 17 types of relief items in Sittwe township.
The government of Kachin state is reportedly making efforts for the resettlement and closures of temporary camps and also coordinating with relevant sectors to fulfil the needs.
Source: Myawady Daily Newspaper (10-4-2023)
- The state/region governments are holding the events of providing foodstuffs, cash assistance and school supplies for students to temporarily displaced persons in their respective regions and states.
Thursday, May 11, 2023 - 10:15
May, 2023