58th Myanmar Gems Emporium Continues

        The 58th Myanmar Gems Emporium was commenced at Mani Yadana Jade Hall in Nay Pyi Taw on 17 March selling 295 pearl lots, 120 gem lots and 2,150 jade lots to local and foreign gem merchants under open tender system.

  • On the first day of the emporium, local and foreign gem merchants observed pearl, gems and jade lots on display at the event and outside of the hall.
  • On the second day, the tender proposals for pearl lots No 1 to 150 were opened, and a total of 147 lots were auctioned.
  • On the third day of the emporium, pearls from Lot 151 to 295 were sold to local and foreign gem merchants through the open tender system and 143 lots in total were auctioned.

      The pearl lots were put on display starting from 17 March and sold on 18 and 19 March under open tender system. Likewise, gem lots were displayed for sale from 17 to 19 March and sold on 20 March under open tender system, while the jade lots were displayed for sale from 17 to 20 March, and will be sold from 21 to 23 March under open tender system.

        At this Gems Emporium, the prices of the pearl lots are fixed in USD as floor price, foreign merchants can buy them in USD, Euro, Yuan and Baht and local merchants in kyat equivalent to prevailing USD price. The floor prices of gem and jade lots are fixed in Euro, foreign merchants can buy them in USD, Euro, Yuan and Baht and local merchants in kyat equivalent to Euro. With regard to jade lots, local and foreign gem merchants are allowed to pay US dollars, euros, yuan and baht for purchasing the jade lots. Moreover, local merchants are allowed to pay kyat equal to euro in buying jade lots and foreign merchants, US dollars or yuan or baht equal to the euro currency. The 58th emporium will last from 17 to 23 March.

Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar (20-3-2023)


  • The 58th Myanmar Gems Emporium has been held at Mani Yadana Jade Hall in Nay Pyi Taw from 17 to 23 March and 290 pearl lots in total were sold out as of 19 March.
Monday, March 20, 2023 - 15:45
March, 2023