Collective Cleaning Activities Conducted at Pagodas, Stupas, Temples and Monasteries in Respective Regions and States

Tatmadaw personnel from local military units, Myanmar Police Force members, departmental officials under relevant Regional Command areas and local people are conducting collective cleaning activities in pagodas, temples and stupas in respective regions and states to ensure Buddhist monks and pilgrims peacefully pay homage to the sacred sites as well as to beautify and clean the environments of the pagodas and stupas.

On 25 January, the collective activities such as cleaning bushes and trashes, unblocking drainages, polishing Buddha statues, and painting white-coloured lime on pagodas and stupas were conducted in eight townships in Nay Pyi Taw Council Area, seven townships in Kachin State, 14 townships in Shan State (North), three townships in Shan State (South), nine townships in Shan State (East), three townships in Mon State, Hlaingbwe township in Kayin State, Lay Kyun Simi Pagoda in Myeik of Taninthayi Region, eight townships in Yangon Region, four townships in Ayeyawady Region, 12 townships in Rakhine State, 10 townships in Sagaing Region, 12 townships in Mandalay Region, six townships in Magway Region and Nanndawoo Lawka Marazein Pagoda in Taungoo of Bago Region.

The subversive media outlets that do not want the development of the State are making and disseminating fake news depicting as if there is no political stability in Myanmar. However, community peace and stability are improving across the country. The security force members are actively doing collective cleaning activities so that people can pay homage and make meritorious deeds peacefully at pagodas, temples and stupas, it is reported.  

Source: MWD (26.1.2023)

  • The relevant officials and local people are conducting collective cleaning activities in pagodas, temples and stupas in respective regions and states to ensure Buddhist monks and pilgrims peacefully pay homage to the sacred sites.
  • The subversive media outlets that do not want the development of the State are making and disseminating fake news depicting as if there is no political stability in Myanmar. However, community peace and stability are improving across the country.
Sunday, January 29, 2023 - 09:45
January, 2023