Members of State Administration Council and Union Ministers Pay Tours in Myitkyina and Waingmaw Townships

Members of State Administration Council and Union min­isters visited the outstanding places of cultural significance in Myitkyina and Waingmaw townships on 11 January and had a discussion at the Central Committee of the Kachin Artists Association for the advancement and success of the artistic activities of the Kachin people.

First, State Administra­tion Council members Jeng Phang Naw Taung, U Moung Har, U Sai Lon Seng, U Shwe Kyein, and Union Ministers Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, U Maung Maung Ohn, U Hla Moe, U Thaung Han, U Aung Naing Oo, Dr Nyunt Pe, U Min Thein Zan, U Myo Thant and U Saw Tun Aung Myint, Kachin State Chief Minister U Khet Htein Nan, Northern Com­mand Commander, the chief justice of Kachin State High Court and ministers of the state government visited the Shinbin Myatswa Sutaungpyae Pagoda on Shwe Moe hill in Minenar Village-tract, Waingmaw Town­ship and  made dona­tions for the renovation of the pagoda.

Afterwards, they visited the Kareinnaw Resort near the Ayeyawady River bank in Manhkrein Ward, the Myitkyina University, the Sitapur Ward and Manaw field; viewed round the respective places and had a friend­ly meeting with the officials.

Next, they visited the Central Committee of the Kachin Artists Association in the Manaw field and met with the officials. The Union Minister for Information          U Maung Maung Ohn made a coordina­tion meeting on filming the nat­ural beauties, traditions and customs of ethnic peoples and stories describing the state's characteristics, in addition to producing a new generation of ethnic artists, and provided grants for the association.

In the afternoon, SAC members and Union Ministers left the Nanbao Airport in a spe­cial military plane, it is reported.

  Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar Newspaper (12-1-2023)


  • SAC members and Union min­isters visited the outstanding places of cultural significance in Myitkyina and Waingmaw townships and had a discussion at the Central Committee of the Kachin Artists Association for the advancement and success of the artistic activities of the Kachin people.


Thursday, January 12, 2023 - 17:00
January, 2023