The State Peace Talks Team-SPTT conducted a discussion with the delegation of five Ethnic Armed Organizations-EAOs, members of the Peace Process Steering Team-PPST, at the National Solidarity and Peacemaking Centre in Nay Pyi Taw on 27 December.
State Administration Council Member Union Minister at the Government Office Chairman of the National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee-NSPNC Peace Talks Team Leader Lt-Gen Yar Pyae and members, the EAO leaders who participated in peace processes and NCA procedures, those who participated in NCA signing ceremonies — Patron Phyar Tan Khun Okkar from the Pa-O National Liberation Organization-PNLO, Vice-Chair Saw Mra Yazar Linn of the Arakan Liberation Party-ALP, Commander-in-Chief Saw Steel of the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army-DKBA, Vice-Chair Dr. Naw Kapaw Htoo of the Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army-KNU/KNLA (Peace Council), Vice-Chair Kyar Phu of the Lahu Democratic Union-LDU and representatives of peace talks attended the meeting.
Afterwards, plans to be discussed in the peace talks were negotiated in detail and the first meeting adjourned after participants agreed on eight plans. The second meeting will be held on 28 December and the discussions will continue according to the plans approved by both sides in the peace talks, it is reported.
Source: The Global New Light of Myanmar (28-12-2022)
- The State Peace Talks Team-SPTT conducted a discussion with five EAOs, members of the Peace Process Steering Team-PPST: Pa-O National Liberation Organization-PNLO; Arakan Liberation Party-ALP; Democratic Karen Benevolent Army-DKBA; KNU/KNLA (Peace Council) and Lahu Democratic Union-LDU on 27 December.
- At the meeting, plans to be discussed in the peace talks were negotiated in detail, and the first meeting adjourned after participants agreed on eight plans.