A ceremony to mark 75th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee Myanmar Navy Day which falls on 24 December 2022 took place at Thiri Maha Zeya Kyaw Htin Hall of the local Naval Training Headquarters in Yangon Region. The Chairman of the State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing delivered a speech at the ceremony as follows:
- The water territory of Myanmar which is more than a half of the land acres of the nation is 144,912 square nautical miles endowed with valuable under- and above-water resources and habitats of water creatures, small and large islands and coast lines.
- Myanmar Navy can now build the big naval crafts for conventional battles, as well as, arrangements have been made to build the cruisers under the Active Defence Strategy and the Two-Sea Strategy.
- It can now be proud of its ability to wage the conventional war within the Exclusive Economic Zone with the use of the frigates and to contribute to enforcing the rule of law.
- Efforts were made to enable Myanmar Navy to have vessel readiness, weaponry readiness and personnel readiness to be combat ready.
- Myanmar Navy has stood tall among the other navies in the region because it now possessed two submarines that are essential for underwater operations.
- In implementing four major tasks of Myanmar Navy, it will be combat ready only if it is a corps with a balanced combat power.
- For combat power, modern platforms, high-power weapons and systems and modern communication and electronic devices were also provided in four areas of military operation.
- Today, the country has owned not only warships but also submarines with a new step towards a three dimensional navy.
- Concerning Sea Shield, the naval exercises were first started in 2014. Since then, the Senior General has been attending the naval exercises up to 2022.
- The nature of defence is training and preparedness with farsightedness. Constant training will ensure readiness to defend against sea intruders at any time and facilitate effective protection of Myanmar’s waters.
- Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Myanmar citizens who have been facing difficulties for a long time in Malaysia and India’s Andaman Island were able to be brought back in 2021.
- Annual health care services were provided by the sea-going hospital vessel (Thanlwin) and river-going hospital vessel (Shwe Puzun) for public health, and about 300,000 people have been provided with health care and treatment.
- As the diplomatic section of Myanmar Navy, it was able to show the status of the Tatmadaw through continuous cooperation with neighboring navies and international navies.
- A total of 416 officers and other ranks from Myanmar Navy including one who won the title of “Thiha Thura”, 16 who won the title of “Thura” and 65 who won the Hero Record Badge, were awarded because of their endeavor and faithful service for national defence.
Present on the occasion were Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, the wife of SAC Chairman Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, the Commanders-in-Chief (Navy) (Rtd) and their wives, the Commanders-in-Chief (Air) (Rtd) and their wives, Chief of General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye and his wife, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) and his wife, Commander-in-Chief (Air) and his wife, Union level officials and their wives, Union ministers and their wives, high-ranking Tatmadaw officers and their wives, Yangon Region Chief Minister, Commanders of the Naval Base Headquarters and officers and other ranks of Myanmar Navy and their families, and invited guests.
The Chairman of the SAC Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services and party attended the ceremony to formally open the building of the HQ office of the Coast Guard by unveiling the signboard. Next, they splashed the archive slab with the scented water.
Later, the Chairman of the SAC Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services and party viewed looked at the situation in the area from the Myanmar Coast Guard Headquarters and building and the officials conducted them.
Source: MWD (25-12-2022)
- Myanmar Navy can now build the big naval crafts for conventional battles, as well as, arrangements have been made to build the cruisers under the Active Defence Strategy and the Two-Sea Strategy.
- Efforts were made to enable Myanmar Navy to have vessel readiness, weaponry readiness and personnel readiness to be combat ready.
- Myanmar Navy has stood tall among the other navies in the region because it now possessed two submarines that are essential for underwater operations.
- Today, the country has owned not only warships but also submarines with a new step towards a three dimensional navy.
- Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Myanmar citizens who have been facing difficulties for a long time in Malaysia and India’s Andaman Island were able to be brought back in 2021.
- Annual health care services were provided by the sea-going hospital vessel (Thanlwin) and river-going hospital vessel (Shwe Puzun) for public health, and about 300,000 people have been provided with health care and treatment.