The graduation ceremony the 83rd intake of pilot course of Myanmar Air Force was held at Meiktila town on 7 January. During the event, on behalf of the Chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC) Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Maung Maung Kyaw delivered an address.
The Commander-in-Chief (Air) took the salute of the graduate companies and Guard of Hounour, and inspected the companies. While, the graduate companies and Guard of Hounour saluted the Commander-in-Chief (Air) through slow-march past and quick-march past, the instructors of pilots driving training aircraft saluted the Commander-in-Chief (Air) in formation. Afterwards, the Commander-in-Chief (Air) conferred the flying wings on graduated pilots one by one, and awards to three outstanding pilots.
During the ceremony, the Commander-in-Chief (Air) delivered an address as follows:
· Presenting flying winds is just starting a milestone as a pilot. The pilots also have to serve the flying duties of the country and accomplish the adventurous spirit and missions.
· While Myanmar Air Force is training new generation of pilots, there were only male pilots as of course (79) while the female pilots were trained starting from course (80). At present, a total of 20 female pilots have been graduated until the course (83).
· The female pilots who completed the flying training are currently serving the practices and missions in their respective duty assignments.
· The significant fact of the 83rd intake of the pilot course is that two female fighter pilots Lt Daw Wah Wah Maw and Lt Daw Lei Wai Aung completed the training and they will become the very first female fighter pilots of Myanmar Air Force.
· It is such a significant achievement not only for Myanmar Air Force but also for the entire Tatmadaw and is also a new historical page for Myanmar Air Force.
· As the Tatmadaw tries hard for the stability of socio-economic status of the people, the pilots of Myanmar Air Force are urged to serve the duties including the flying missions and strictly follow directives and orders without fail.
The graduated pilots who were conferred flying wings must join the high-level aviation courses of the respective planes/ aircraft.
The ceremony was attended by Lt-Gen Teza Kyaw of office of Commander-in-Chief (Army), Commander of Central Command, senior officers of Myanmar Air Force and Meiktila station, and invited guests.
- Starting from the pilot course No. (80), the female pilots were trained. At present, a total of 20 female pilots have been graduated until the course (83).
- The significant fact of the 83rd intake of the pilot course is that two female fighter pilots Lt Daw Wah Wah Maw and Lt Daw Lei Wai Aung completed the training and they will become the very first female fighter pilots of Myanmar Air Force.