The Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing attended Deepavali lighting festival which was held on 6 November at Shree Maha Lakshmi Temple in Yankin Township of Yangon Region.
The Senior General and party offered flowers, water and oil lights to the Buddha image at Maha Bawdi banyan tree in the compound of the temple and paid homage to Shree Maha Lakshmi image in Hinduism tradition.
According to the ceremony program, the special guests were garlanded and honoured with shawls in accord with the Hinduism traditions. Then they lit the oil light to mark the Deepavali festival and the organizing committee chair explained the purpose of holding the festival.
In his speech, the Senior General explained his attendance to the Deepavali lighting festival as follows:
- It is known that Deepavali festival is the noblest festival of Hindus and it is a religious festival as well as a national festival.
- Section 362 in Chapter VIII of the 2008 Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar stipulates the Union also recognizes Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Animism as the religions existing in the Union, and Section 363 mentions the Union may assist and protect the religions it recognizes to its utmost.
- The government provides necessary assistance for holding the religious ceremonies of four major faiths in the nation whereas the Head of State and Union ministers join the relevant ceremonies.
- It is learnt that four basic principles; such as to reside together with mutual respect, peace and unity among people of different faiths, to help those troubled by religious and social conflicts and to seek coordination and negotiation in accord with the law if any loss surfaces in relation to religion, are set up for ensuring interfaith friendship.
- All Hindus are urged to support the unity of four major faiths in accord with the noble principles.
- The Senior General expressed his wishes that may all ethnic national people residing in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar in different faiths continue to serve the interests of the mother land by upholding the four cardinal virtues, such as metta, karuna, mudita and uppekha, and by following the teachings of their own religions and by staying away from two kinds of extremism.
The Indian ambassador said the following points at the occasion:
- He expressed special thanks to the Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister and other State-level dignitaries for their presence at the event and to all organizers of the event. He also said Myanmar and India share borders as well as basically similar religions, cultures and faiths. The two governments and peoples have good relations that must be maintained and strengthened.
The Russian ambassador for his part said the following points at the occasion:
- Deepavali festival is a crucial event for Hindus, expressing his thanks for being invited to attend it. He expressed his wish for peace and tranquillity of people of all faiths in Myanmar and India. He then spoke in Myanmar language reciting a saying “Let the amity last long and the hate die down” and wishing for mental and physical wellbeing of those in attendance.
Later, the Senior General and attendances were entertained with Hinduism traditional dances and songs. The Senior General presented a flower basket to the Hinduism cultural troupe.
Present were State Administration Council Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, State Administration Council member Jeng Phang Naw Taung, Union ministers, Yangon Region Chief Minister U Soe Thein, Ambassador of India to Myanmar and wife, Ambassador of Russian Federation to Myanmar, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, Commander of Yangon Command, Chairman of Interfaith Friendship Organization (Central), YMBA Chairman, Secretary of All Myanmar Hindu Central Council, Vice Chairman of Interfaith Friendship Organization (Central) and officials, Hindus of various races, Hindu traditional cultural troupes and invited guests, it is reported.
Source: Myawady Daily Newspaper (7.11.2022)
- Deepavali festival is the noblest festival of Hindus and it is a religious festival as well as a national festival.
- Section 362 in Chapter VIII of the 2008 Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar stipulates the Union also recognizes Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Animism as the religions existing in the Union, and Section 363 mentions the Union may assist and protect the religions it recognizes to its utmost.
- All Hindus are urged to support the unity of four major faiths in accord with the noble principles.