Khit Thit Media, an illegal media outlet that is always creating fabricated news about the activities of the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, security forces and individuals and organizations collaborating with the State for the national interests, created groundless rumours as if the Tatmadaw made aerial bomb attack on two hospitals in Banmauk Township on the social media network on 23 October.
The truth is that:
- In order to take advantage of political opportunity, KIA operating only in Kachin State organized so-called PDF terrorists in Manyugyi area in Banmauk Township near the border between Kachin State and Sagaing Region and has harassed passengers and vehicles travelling along Myitkyina-Bhamo-Katha-Htigyaing road and along the Ayeyawady River by applying various means. Moreover, KIA using large-scale force launched close attacks and distant attacks against government departments and offices, buildings, security forces in Banmauk and Pinlebu townships for 78 times in 2022.
- A KIA group led by Du John and Dukaba La Aung forcibly recruited the villagers who were unwilling to join so-called PDF terrorist group in the area near Manyugyi Village between Banmauk and Pinlebu townships, regardless of their consent. They are terrorizing all the village-tracts that could not be organized to join PDF terrorist groups after setting the date.
- On 19 October, people of some village-tracts, who have abhorrence of forced recruitment provided precise information about the meeting plan of KIA and so-called PDF terrorist groups with time and venue to organize the remaining village-tracts forcibly and to launch terrorist attacks against villages that were still refusing to join PDF terrorist groups to local security forces who were temporarily stationing at Pinlebu which is located at 58 km from Bamauk and Wuntho which is located at 60 km from Bamauk about a meeting to be held in Manyugyi Village by KIA and PDF on 20 October.
- In fulfilling the wish of peace-loving villagers, the Tatmadaw launched a limited aerial attack against the meeting venue of terrorist groups in Manyugyi Village which is located at a distance of 32 km from Banmauk on 20 October afternoon to stop the terrorist attacks in time because of time and geographical limitations.
The government did not release any news on the incident officially for the safety of village-tracts that provided information, but it now has to release the truth about the incident as online media created fabricated rumours to mislead local and international community. No official news will be stated for the safety of village-tracts and persons who secretly made contacts and sent information. Security forces are continuing necessary military operations to crush insurgents in accord with Rules of Engagement-ROE issued in line with the provisions of the Law of Armed Conflict based on four Geneva Conventions, ensuring peace and security in the area.
Source: Myawady Daily Newspaper (25-10-2022)
- KIA organized so-called PDF terrorists in Manyugyi area in Banmauk Township near the border between Kachin State and Sagaing Region and has harassed passengers and vehicles travelling along Myitkyina-Bhamo-Katha-Htigyaing road and along the Ayeyawady River by applying various means. Moreover, KIA using large-scale force launched close attacks and distant attacks against government departments and offices, buildings, security forces in Banmauk and Pinlebu townships for 78 times in 2022.
- KIA forcibly recruited the villagers who were unwilling to join so-called PDF terrorist group, regardless of their consent. They are terrorizing all the village-tracts that could not be organized to join PDF terrorist groups after setting the date.
- People of some village-tracts, who have abhorrence of forced recruitment, provided precise information about meeting time and venue of KIA and so-called PDF terrorists to local security forces.
- No official news will be stated for the safety of village-tracts and persons who secretly made contacts and sent information. Security forces are continuing necessary military operations to crush insurgents in accord with Rules of Engagement-ROE issued in line with the provisions of the Law of Armed Conflict based on four Geneva Conventions, ensuring peace and security in the area.