The Ceremony to mark the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2022 was held at Max Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw on 13 October. During the ceremony, Chairman of the National Disaster Management Committee Vice-Chairman of the State Administration Council (SAC) Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win delivered an address as follows:
- Regarding natural disasters, it is necessary to consistently take measures for preparedness, emergency response, constant awareness and readiness.
- The theme for this year’s ceremony is designated as “Early Warning and Early Action for all” with the aim of strengthening early warning, preparedness and early action.
- Therefore, it is necessary to take systematic management action in real time based on early warnings together with strengthening early warning systems in accordance with the theme of this year.
- Regarding the early warning system in the world, a total of 95 countries have been facilitated with Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems (MHEWS) till April 2022 according to the monitoring for implementation of the Sendai Framework.
- As Myanmar is a country facing possibly natural disasters and high damage and loss, it needs to have a good early warning system for natural disasters. Primarily, it is necessary to implement a public-centred early warning system to minimize loss and damage in disasters.
- At present, the mobile application Myanmar Disaster Alert (MDA) has been developed for disseminating notices for natural disasters and disaster awareness through mobile phones, people will have easy access to information about natural disasters in time.
- In carrying out the management tasks in the respective natural disaster management sector, preparatory measures must be taken considering what can happen in future.
- Due to the climate change across the world, Myanmar faced 748 outbreaks of fire, 161 flooding, 1,502 storms, and 1,178 times of disasters including earthquakes, totalling 3,589 within 18 months. The government provided more than K3,647 million for over 1.5 million disaster-hit victims.
- It is important to adopt a people-centered early warning system and exactly follow the instructions in line with the warning system that includes early warnings to reduce loss and damage caused by a disaster and preparedness and evacuation based on those prior warnings.
- Depending on the nature, resources and experiences of the country, we need to have constant links with the ASEAN countries and the international community, to follow the international framework and agreements and to learn real-time developing technologies. Then, we will be able to reduce loss and damage caused by disaster. Therefore, we will have to implement and shape the sustainable socio-economic life.
Afterward, Union Minister Dr. Thet Thet Khaing, Vice-Chairman of the National Disaster Management Committee reported on measures for the reduction of natural disaster risks. The Vice-Chairman of the SAC Deputy Prime Minister viewed the exhibition on natural disasters and rescue equipment displayed at the ceremony to mark the International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction.
Also present at the ceremony were Union ministers, the Commander of Nay Pyi Taw command, Deputy ministers, permanent secretaries, directors-general, representatives from the UN, INGOs, NGOs and CSOs, students and officials.
Source: Myawady Daily Newspaper (14.10.2022)
- As Myanmar is a country facing possibly natural disasters and high damage and loss, it needs to have a good early warning system for natural disasters. Primarily, it is necessary to implement a public-centred early warning system to minimize loss and damage in disasters.
- At present, the mobile application Myanmar Disaster Alert (MDA) has been developed for disseminating notices for natural disasters and disaster awareness through mobile phones, people will have easy access to information about natural disasters in time.
- Due to the climate change across the world, Myanmar faced 748 outbreaks of fire, 161 flooding, 1,502 storms, and 1,178 times of disasters including earthquakes, totalling 3,589 within 18 months. The government provided more than K3,647 million for over 1.5 million disaster-hit victims.
- Depending on the nature, resources and experiences of the country, we need to have constant links with the ASEAN countries and the international community, to follow the international framework and agreements and to learn real-time developing technologies. Then, we will be able to reduce loss and damage caused by disaster. Therefore, we will have to implement and shape the sustainable socio-economic life.