On 25 September, as the second-day of a narrative drama titled, “Athethtet-myat-thaw-gon-theik-khar” (The Prestige Nobler than the Life) which was presented with an aim of preserving Myanmar’s traditional cultural heritage performed by the staff from the Department of Fine Arts under the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture and artistes, was continued at the Thabin Hall of Zeyathiri Beikman in Nay Pyi Taw and Vice Chairman of the State Administration Council Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win enjoyed the play.
The drama show started with the scenes of paying homage to the Buddha, a maiden dance and duet dance. The artistes then skillfully performed the play in their respective roles.
After the play, the Vice-Senior General presented flower baskets and cash awards to the artistes of the play, Union level officials, Union ministers, and Lieutenant Generals from the Office of the Commander- in-Chief (Army) also presented cash awards and cordially greeted them.
Also present were Union level officials and their wives, Union ministers and their wives, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in- Chief and their wives, and officers, other ranks and families of offices and departments of the Office of the Commander-in- Chief (Army), it is reported.
Source: Myawady Daily Newspaper (26-9-2022)
- On 25 September, Vice Chairman of the State Administration Council Deputy Prime Minister Vice-Senior General Soe Win enjoyed the play for the second-day of a narrative drama titled, “The Prestige Nobler than the Life”.
- After the play, the Vice-Senior General Soe Win and party presented flower baskets and cash awards to the artistes from the performances, and cordially greeted them.