The welcoming ceremony of new-appointed tutors and demonstrators at Universities and Degree Colleges of the Ministry of Education was held at the Ministry of Education in Nay Pyi Taw on 19 September.
During the event, the Union Minister for Education Dr. Nyunt Pe said as follows –
- The Ministry of Education has selected and appointed 1,479 university tutors and demonstrators on 18 May 2022 and other 862 on 15 September totaling 2,341 university tutors and demonstrators.
- The newly-appointed tutors and demonstrators are required to keep studying so as to improve their education qualities and capabilities as they are obliged to nurture future highly-educated generation.
- Providing that they master in their own subjects, they will be able to teach and make their students skillful and outstanding.
- Besides their teaching duty, they also need to carry out research works that benefit the Country. Moreover, being the civil servants, they all need to know and follow the rules and regulations of Civil Service Personnel.
- Since male/female teachers are joining hands together in serving their duties, they also need to act and behave as per the ethnics and professionalism of teachers.
- The Union Minister also stressed that all are required to work in unity for the education development and also be polite and civilized since the University is the gathering place of educated persons.
The ceremony was also attended in person by Deputy Minister U Zaw Win, Permanent Secretary Dr Soe Win, Director Generals from relevant Departments, Deputy Permanent Secretaries, Deputy Director Generals and officials as well as rectors, principles, deputy rectors, professors and newly-appointed fresh tutors and demonstrators from universities and degree colleges via videoconferencing.
Source: Myawady Daily Newspaper (20-9-2022)
- The Ministry of Education has selected and appointed 2,341 university tutors and demonstrators in 2022.
- The newly-appointed tutors and demonstrators are required to keep studying so as to improve their education qualities and capabilities as they are obliged to nurture future highly-educated generation.
- All are required to work in unity for the education development and also be polite and civilized since the University is the gathering place of educated persons
Tuesday, September 20, 2022 - 18:15
September, 2022