Coordination Workforce between Tatmataw and the Ministries to Respond Natural Disaster Hold its 1/2022 Meeting

The coordination workforce between Tatmataw and the Ministries to respond the natural disaster held its first meeting at the meeting hall of the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement on 24 August. Union Minister Dr. Thet Thet Khaing, representatives of the respective working committees under the National Natural Disaster Management Committee and officials joined the event.

During the meeting:

  • The Tatmadaw is cooperating with the relevant natural disaster working committees and the Ministries to focus the reduction of the impacts of natural disaster.
  • At the time of natural disaster, in the cooperation of the stakeholder for the rapid response and emergency communication process, the cooperation between the civil-military cooperation is of paramount importance.
  • The Tatmadaw has assigned the tasks by organizing central committee and four working committees on natural disaster management.
  • Moreover, the Tatmadaw is carrying out relief and rescue tasks with the early arrival in the disaster-prone areas and for health related issues of COVID-19.
  • In doing so, the Tatmadaw is also participating in the relief activities with the full strength and machineries. In addition to, the Tatmadaw is providing foodstuffs and equipment to the disaster victims as well as the Tatmadaw is cooperating with governmental departments, local social organizations and volunteers in relief and rescue tasks.

Afterward, the leader of the workforce and members took part in the coordinated discussion including good experiences of the respective working committees encountered from the natural disaster response activities with the Tatmadaw, plans to become good activities, the Tatmadaw’s natural disaster management system and the available aids, plans to effectively cooperate in rapid responses, drafting Standard Operation Procedure and plans to conduct a national level Simulation Exercise.

Source: Myawady Daily Newspaper (25.8.2022)

  • At the time of natural disaster, in the cooperation of the stakeholder for the rapid response and emergency communication process, the cooperation between the civil-military cooperation is of paramount importance.
  • The Tatmadaw is also participating in the relief activities with the full strength and machineries. In addition to, the Tatmadaw is providing foodstuffs and equipment to the disaster victims as well as the Tatmadaw is cooperating with governmental departments, local social organizations and volunteers in relief and rescue tasks.
Thursday, August 25, 2022 - 17:45
August, 2022