Union Election Commission Makes Preparations to Practice PR System

The Union Election Commission-UEC is a body responsible to hold the free and fair elections and therefore, UEC reached an agreement with political parties after holding meetings for 4 times to change the proportional representation (PR) system in upcoming elections instead of the first-past-the-post (FPTP) system that was used in the previous elections.

 At present, the on-job service capacity building course No. (4/2022) for staff officers who will perform duties in the Union Election Commission and the various levels of UEC sub-commission offices are being opened from 8 to 19 August so that the staff know and understand well the office works and ethics relating to election process. The training is aimed to teach trainee staff about the PR system. The trainee officers are also urged to be apolitical and impartial in the election process and they also must observe Myanmar Official Secret Act after studying it thoroughly as a citizen or a civil servant.

Source: Myawady Daily Newspaper (8-8-2022)

  • UEC reached an agreement with political parties after holding meetings for 4 times to change the proportional representation (PR) system in upcoming elections instead of the first-past-the-post (FPTP) system that was used in the previous elections.
  • The on-job service capacity building course No. (4/2022) for staff officers who will perform duties in the Union Election Commission and the various levels of UEC sub-commission offices will be opened from 8 to 19 August so that the staff know and understand well the office works and ethics relating to election process.
Wednesday, August 10, 2022 - 09:30
August, 2022