Union Minister U Wunna Maung Lwin Holds Talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation H.E. Segey Lavrov

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation H.E. Segey Lavrov arrived at Nay Pyi Taw on working visit with a special flight on 3 August 2022 and was welcomed by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs U Kyaw Myo Htut and officials at Nay Pyi Taw international airport.

After that, the meeting between two Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar and Russian Federation was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs led by Union Minister for U Wunna Maung Lwin and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation H.E. Segey Lavrov. They exchanged views on the following matters –

· Pertaining to further advancement of bilateral relations and cooperation especially between the governmental institutions, two armed forces and peoples.

· Potentials for promotion of economic and cultural cooperation and continuing cooperation in regional and international fora particularly in ASEAN, Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and the United Nations.

· The ministers also apprised the recent developments of their respective countries and also exchanged views on regional and international matters of common interests.

Afterwards, the Plan of Consultations (2022-2024) between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation was signed and exchanged by the two Foreign Ministers. The Plan of Consultations will further enhance engagements and collaboration between the two Foreign Ministries and will offer opportunities to synergize and coordinate on bilateral and multilateral arenas on core issues of common interests. The Plan of Consultations was launched between the two Foreign Ministries since 1999.

Mr. Sergey Lavrov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation left Nay Pyi Taw in the evening, and was seen off by U Kyaw Myo Htut, Deputy Minister and officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the Nay Pyi Taw Airport.

  • Pertaining to further advancement of bilateral relations and cooperation especially between the governmental institutions, two armed forces and peoples.
  • Potentials for promotion of economic and cultural cooperation and continuing cooperation in regional and international fora particularly in ASEAN, Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and the     United Nations.
  • The recent developments of their respective countries and regional and international matters of common interests.



Thursday, August 4, 2022 - 09:15
August, 2022